Fixation of pay on promotion from the revised Junior Group ‘A’ to the Senior Group ‘A’ scale of pay in certain organised Group ‘A’ Services

Fixation of pay on promotion from the revised Junior Group ‘A’ to the Senior Group ‘A’ scale of pay in certain organised Group ‘A’ Services

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
(Department of Expenditure)

New Delhi, the 21st August, 1984


Subject :- Fixation of pay on promotion from the revised Junior Group ‘A’ to the Senior Group ‘A’ scale of pay in certain organised Group ‘A’ Services.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the Ministry of Finance O.M.No.F.12/21/74-IC dated the 14th November, 1975, on the above subject, and to say that according to para 2 (II) of that O.M., the first increment in the revised senior scale (Rs.1100-1600) is to be granted on the anniversary of the date of promotion to the senior scale falling after completion of the sixth stage in the revised junior scale or the sixth year of service, as the case may be. It has been brought to the notice of this Department that in cases where promotion to the senior scale is made on a regular basis prior to completing four years of service in the junior scale, the said provision relating to the grant of first increment in the senior scale has adversely affected the officers concerned inasmuch as even after completing the sixth year of service in the junior scale, they have to wait further for becoming eligible to the first increment in the senior scale.

2. The matter has been carefully considered and the President is pleased to decide, in modification of the provisions for grant of first increment in the revised senior scale as contained in the aforesaid O.M. dated 14-11-1975, that in cases where an officer is promoted to senior scale on a regular basis prior to completion of the fourth year of service in the junior scale, the first increment in the senior scale may be given on the date following the date of completion of the sixth year of service in the junior scale as illustrated below :-

(i) Date of appointment to Junior scale                                                 5-8-1975
(ii) Rate of pay on appointment to Junior scale                                  Rs. 700/-
(iii) Date or regular promotion to Senior scale                                   21-4-1979
(iv) Pay on promotion to Senior scale
(a) 21-4-1979 to 4-8-1979                                                               Rs.820/-

pay Rs.150/-

Spl. Pay.
From pre-page

(b) 5-8-1979 (date of completion of 4
Years service)                                                                                           Rs.1100/- (Minimum of senior scale)
(v) Date of completion of sixth year of
Service in junior scale                                                                      4-8-1981
(vi) Date of 1st increment in the Senior scale                                   5-8-1981
(vii) Next increment in the Senior scale
Will fall due on                                                                                1-8-1982

3. These orders take effect retrospectively w.e.f. 1-1-73 on notional basis with actual benefit from 1-8-1984.

4. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issued after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India.

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