Incentive for passing Hindi Examinations etcgranted as personal pay- grant of personal pay – Counting for fixation of pay under C.C.S.(R.P)Rules, 1973

Incentive for passing Hindi Examinations etcgranted as personal pay- grant of personal pay – Counting for fixation of pay under C.C.S.(R.P)Rules, 1973

Government of India.
Ministry of finance.
(Department of expenditure)

New Delhidated the 5thJune, 1974


Subject:- Incentive for passing Hindi Examinations etcgranted as personal pay- grant of personal pay – Counting for fixation of pay under C.C.S.(R.P)Rules, 1973.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s O.M. No.F.1(1)-E.III(A)/74 Dated the 5th March, 1974 which provides that while personal pay granted to the employees for passing Hindi Pragya, Hindi Type Writing, Hindishort-handexaminations etc under the Hindi Teaching Scheme or on Successfully undergoing training in the Cash and Accounts matters prior to 1-1-1973 should not be taken into account for the purpose of fixation of initial pay in the revised scales, it should be continued to be paid even after fixation of pay in the revised scales with effect from 1-1-1973 or subsequently at the rate and for the period for which the employees would have drawn it but for their fixation of pay in the revised scales.

2.It has now been agreed in the Committee of the National Council set up to consider anomalies out of implementation of Government’s decisions on the recommendation of the third Pay Commission,. that unabsorbed personal pay after fixation of pay in the revised scale should in such cases be allowed at the appropriate rate of increment in the revised scale for the period beyond the date of fixation of pay, for which the employee would have continued to draw it. For this purpose the appropriate rate of increment in the revised scale would be that which would be the amount or amounts of increment admissible at and immediately beyond the stage at which the pay of the employee is fixed in the revised scale.

3.The aforesaid decision would also cover cases where L.D.Cs had been granted 2 advance increments (absorbable in future increments) in the shape of personal pay for their passing the typewriting test in English/Hindi at the speed of 40/35 words per minute respectively prior to 1-1-1973.

Hindi version of this Office Memorandum will be issued separately.

Deputy Secretary to the Government of India


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