Appointment of Daftries as Junion Gestetner Operators – Fixation of pay

Appointment of Daftries as Junion Gestetner Operators – Fixation of pay

No.1 (20)-E.III (A)/74
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
(Department of Expenditure)

New Delhi, 15th May, 1974


Subject:- Appointment of Daftries as Junion Gestetner Operators – Fixation of pay.

The undersigned to directed to refer to this Ministry’s O.M. No. Fe1(1)-E.III(A)/70 dated the 14th August, 1970, on the subject mentioned above and to say that the question of fixation of pay of Daftries on appointment to the post of Junior Gestetner Operator has further been examined in the consultation with the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms in the light of discussions on an item brought forward by the Staff Side in the Departmental Council of the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms. The President is pleased to decide that pay in such cases may be fixed in accordance with the provisions of ER 22-C instead of the provision of Audit Instruction No. (1) below ER 22.

2.These orders will take effect from the date of issue of the orders and past cases will not be re-opened. However, if under these orders a junior person happens to get his pay fixed at a stage higher than that of his senior, then the pay of the senior may be stepped up to the stage at which the pay of the junior has been fixed.

3.In so far as persons serving in Indian Audit & Accounts Department are concerned, these orders are issued in consultation with the C. & A.G. of India.

(S.N. Mathur)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India.


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