Regulation of pay of officers of Central and State Services appointed as Under Secretary/Deputy Secretaries to the Government of India

Regulation of pay of officers of Central and State Services appointed as Under Secretary/Deputy Secretaries to the Government of India

 No.F.3 (34)-E. III/A/65

Government of India

Ministry of Finance

Department of Expenditure

 New Delhi, the 8th October, 1965


 Subject:- Regulation of pay of officers of Central and State Services appointed as Under Secretary/Deputy Secretaries to the Government of India.

 The undersigned is directed to refer to Note (2) below paragraph 1 of this Ministry’s O.M.No. F3(26)-E.III/57 dated the 4th September, 1957 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the President has been pleased to decide that for determining the pay and special pay that would be admissible in the same post to an officer of the Indian Administrative Service, the reckonable length of service will be the service put in by officers of the Indian Administrative Service belonging to the same batch as the concerned officers of the Central Services Class I.  the date of commencement of the course of training for the officers of the I.A.S. in a particular year will be taken as the starting point of their service for this purpose.

 This decision takes effect from the date of issue of the Office Memorandum.


(N.N.K. Nair)

Deputy Secretary to the Government of India.

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