Fixation of scales of pay for posts of Under Secretary and Deputy Secretary under the Central Civil Services (Revision of pay) Rules, 1947

Fixation of scales of pay for posts of Under Secretary and Deputy Secretary under the Central Civil Services (Revision of pay) Rules, 1947

 Copy of Government of India

 Ministry of Finance,


 dated the 28th June, 1948.

Office Memorandum

 SUBJECT:- Fixation of scales of pay for posts of Under Secretary and Deputy Secretary under the Central Civil Services (Revision of pay) Rules, 1947.

 The Government of India have had under consideration the  recommendation of the Central Pay Commission (contained in para 22 of Part III-A of their Report that the posts of Under Secretary and Deputy Secretary should carry fixed scales of pay and have decided that the recommendation should be accepted with a light modification in the minima of the scales proposed by the Commission.  The Governor General is accordingly pleased to prescribed the following scales of pay for these posts under the Central Civil Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947:-

                                                           Under Secretary.         Rs.800-50-1150

                                                          Deputy Secretary.        Rs.1150-50-1300-60-1600-100



  1. When an officer is appointed to a post of Under Secretary or Deputy Secretary after the date from which elected to be governed by the Central Civil Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947, his initial pay will be fixed as follows: –

  • For an officer belonging to pay of the services mentioned below, the minimum of the relevant scale, or at a stage equal all to the pay indicated below (or if there is no such stage at the next lower stage plus the difference as personal pay to be absorbed in future increments), which ever is higher.


Service of Origin

   Under Secretary

     Deputy Secretary

1. Pool cadre Pay in Pool scale if confirmed in the pool.


Pay in pool scale plus Rs.300


2. Established Central Services Class I (Non – Pool Officers) Pay in junior scale stepped up by six stages.


Pay in senior scale stepped up by three stages, according as the officer holds junior or Junior scale post at the time of appointment as under secretary.

pay in senior scale stepped up be six stages.


Pay in administrative grades (or Selection Grade) stepped up by four stages if the officer holds an (Administrative grade post at the time appointment as Deputy Secretary.

3. Imperial Secretariat Service Class I Pay as Assistant Secretary plus Rs.50 Pay as Under Secretary Plus Rs.150
4. Provincial Service

Pay in Basic time – scale stepped up by six stages if the service carries both junior and senior scales of pay, the pay should be stepped up by six stages in the case of officers on the Junior scale of pay and by three stages in the case of those on the senior scale of pay.

Pay in basic time – scale (Senior scale if the service Junior and Senior scale stepped up by six stages.

Explanation. For the purposes of these orders:-

(1) An “Established Central Service Class I” is a Central Service, Service the Class I cadre of which includes posts both on the senior and junior scales and there in pay in the senior scale is regulated with reference to an officer’s pay in the junior scale.

(ii) Pay in senior scale will be taken, in the case of an officer who officiating pay in the senior scale has been fixed under the Central Civil Services (Revision of Pay), Rules, 1947, with reference to the pay actually drawn at the time in the senior scale, as the pay at the stage in the senior scale corresponding to his pay in the junior scale.

(iii) Posts outside the time-scale will not be treated as basic time-scale posts in the case of officers drawn from Provincial Services. Pay of officers holding such posts will be regulated in accordance with para 2(b).

For other officers, in accordance with the Fundamental Rules.

  1. When an officer is already holding a post of Under Secretary or Deputy Secretary on the date from which he elects the prescribed scale his pay in those posts will be fixed as follows:-

  1. in accordance with para 2(a) above, for officers belonging to the services specified therein, as if they were appointed to the posts on the date from which they elect the prescribed scales provided that if the pay so fixed is less than the pay plus special pay drawn by the officers on the date, the difference will be treated as personal pay to be absorbed in future increments.
  2. In accordance with rule 8 of the Central Civil Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947, in other cases. The special pay, if any, drawn by the officer on that date will be treated as a part of his “present pay” for this purpose. The next increment in the prescribed scale of an officer to whom this paragraph applies will be granted with reference to the actual service in that scale from the date from which they pay is fixed there an not under rule 10 of the Central Civil Services ( Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947.

  1. It has also been decided that all officers of the General Administrative Reserve should be allowed the option of electing to be governed by the scales prescribed in para 1 above. The option should be exercised in respect of both the scales together and in the manner and within the date prescribed under the Central Civil Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947. The initial pay of an officer of the Reserve electing the prescribed scales will be fixed in accordance with para 2(b) and 3(b) above.

  1. The benefit of the initial increase in pay allowed under para 2(a) is only intended in respect of the posts of Under Secretary and Deputy Secretary and is not to be carried forward when the officer is appointed to a difference post on identical scale. In such cases the pay in the new post should be fixed with reference to the pay the officer would have drawn in the corresponding Secretariat post had the initial pay there in been fixed under Fundamental Rules.

  1. (a) In all cases in which an officer’s pay is regulated in accordance with this office Memorandum, it will subject to a maximum of Rs.1800 per mensem if he is a Deputy Secretary and Rs.1150 per mensem if he is an Under Secretary. In the case of an Officer of the Imperial Secretariat Service, Class I pro-1931 entrant) whose pay plus special pay as Under Secretary excess Rs.1150 per mensem on the date from which he elects the prescribed scale, the difference will, however, be treated as ‘personal pay’.

(b) he pay of a non-pool officer appointed to a post of Deputy Secretary while holding a post in an Administrative (Selection) grade should be so regulated as not to exceed the pay drawn by an officer of the Pool cadre with same length of service holding a post of Deputy Secretary.

(c) Pay of an officer who is allowed the benefit of a grade promotion in his parent service under the next below rule while holding a post of Under Secretary or Deputy Secretary will not be fixed in accordance with para 2(a) but he will afforded protection in the matter by the grant of personal pay to the extent necessary.

(d) If an officer appointed to a post of Deputy Secretary while holding a post in the administrative (selection) grade would have subsequently reverted to a senior scale but for his appointment as Deputy Secretary the pay in the Deputy Secretary’s Scale  shall be brought down to the pay last drawn in the administrative (selection) grade post, from the date from which he would have reverted to the senior scale post.

7. These orders are issued in substitution of the entries in column 3 of the Schedule to the Central Civil Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947, appearing against the posts ‘Under Secretary’ and “Deputy Secretary” below the heading “Secretariat”.

A formal amendment in the Schedule will be made in due course.



















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