To start in-house Weekly Training in all Miniseries/Departments

To start in-house Weekly Training in all Miniseries/Departments

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(Training Division)

New Delhi, the 10th February 2015


Subject: To start in-house Weekly Training in all Miniseries/Departments

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even number dated 17th October 2014 (copy enclosed) wherein all Ministries/Departments were requested to start hourly in-house weekly training for their employees immediately, However information in this regard is awaited.

2. All Ministries/Departments are again requested to start hourly in-house weekly training and to inform the action taken to this Department for apprising the PMO.

(Sanjeev Kumar Jindal)
Director (Trg,)
Tel No: 26107960
email: sanjeev,jindal@nic, in


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