Revision of option after grant of Entry Pay to AAOs

CDA – Grant of Entry Pay to AAOs

Office of the Controller of Defence Accounts
“Udayan Vihar”, Narangi, Guwahati- 781171




The Officer- in-charge
All Sections in MO and Sub offices (Through Website)

Subject: Revision of option after grant of Entry Pay to AAOs

Please find enclosed HQrs letter No. Estt/Pay-Tech/7th CPC/ Entry Pay dated 31/03/2022 regarding the above noted subject which is self explanatory.

It is requested that the affected AAOs who had submitted their option within one month of issue of OM dated 28/09/2018 may submit their application along with due drawn statement to ascertain financial implication and those officers desiring to apply afresh may also submit their representation along with due drawn statement by 15th April 2022 to this section email for onward submission to HOrs office before 30th April 2022

(N.K Biswas)
DCDA (Admin)

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