PCDA Circular No 656: Alternate provision in Life Time Arrear (LTA) certificate for grant of family pension

Alternate provision in Life Time Arrear (LTA) certificate for grant of family pension


Circular No. 656

Date: 10.01 .2022

The 01/C
Records/PAOs (ORs)

Subject :- Alternate provision in Life Time Arrear (LTA) certificate for grant of family pension.

Reference:- This office Circular No. 389 dated 17.11.2008 and Circular no. 476 dated 03.02.2012

Kindly refer to this office Circulars No. quoted under reference wherein the requirements of LTA certificate for grant of family pension has been relaxed.

In case of JC0s/ORs personnel, ROs are fully responsible to processing the claim in favour of genuine claimant and the PSAs satisfy themselves before issuing PPG that claimant is genuine and admissibility exists. Therefore, it is considered that if claimant is genuine and admissibility exists as certified by RO then grant of family pension should not be held up lbr want of LTA certificate.

The Family Pension may be granted after obtaining a certificate from the widow/claimant in the form of Affidavit/Indemnity Bond stating that “Her Husband/Deceased was a pensioner at the time of his/her death. He/She has neither been convicted/sentenced/remarried nor changed his/her nationality before death. If at a later stage he/she is found ineligible for grant of Family Pension, he/she will be liable to refund the entire amount with interest paid to his/her as Family Pension”. This certificate/affidavit should be witnessed by two Defence Pensioners.

Please acknowledge receipt.


Date: 10.01.2022

Rajendra Kumar Gupta

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