kerala government employees news
Finance Department – Revision of scales of pay and allowances of the employees of Roads and Bridges Development Corporation of Kerala Limited – Sanctioned – Orders issued.
G.O.(M.S.)No.459/2012/Fin. Dated, thiruvanathapuram 14th August 2012
Read : 1. G.O.(P) No.85/2011/Fin dated 26.02.2011
2. Letter No.RBDCK/EI.A/9h pay revision /2011/591 &803 dated 28.4.2011 and 25.5.2012 from the Managing Director, Roads and Bridges Development Corporation of Kerala Limited
Government have revised the pay and allowances of state Government employees with effect from 1.7.2009, vide Government Order read above. Managing Director, Roads and Bridges Development Corporation of Kerala Limited has requested to extend the benefits of pay revision to the employees of Roads and Bridges Development Corporation of Kerala Limited, as per the letter read above.
2. Government have examined the proposal in detail and are pleased to revise the pay and allowances of the employees of Roads and Bridges Development Corporation of Kerala Limited in terms of annexure I of G.O. (P) No.85/2011/Fin dated 26.2.2011, as detailed below. Subject to the conditions specified hereunder.
i)Existing and revised scales of pay
Sl.No |
Name of Post |
No of Posts |
Existing scales of pay |
Revised scales of pay |
1 |
Managing Director |
1 |
IAS Cadre |
2 |
Superintending Engineer (Works) |
1 |
23200-31150 |
40640-57440 |
3 |
Superintending Engineer (Design) |
1 |
23200-31150 |
40640-57440 |
4. |
Financial Controller |
1 |
23200-31150 |
40640-57440 |
5. |
Company secretary |
1 |
23200-31150 |
40640-57440 |
6. |
Executive Engineer |
2 |
16650-23200 |
29180-43640 |
7. |
Administrative Officer |
1 |
12930-20250 |
22360-37940 |
8. |
Deputy Collector |
1 |
12930-20250 |
22360-37940 |
9 |
Personal Assistant |
1 |
11910-19350 |
20740-36140 |
10. |
Assistant Engineer |
4 |
11070/18450 |
19240-34500 |
11. |
Divisional Accountant |
1 |
10790-18000 |
18740-33680 |
12 |
Office Assistant |
4 |
6680-10790 |
11620-20240 |
13 |
Accounts Assistant |
2 |
6680-10790 |
11620-20240 |
14 |
Confidential Assistant |
3 |
5930-9590 |
10480-18300 |
15. |
Driver |
3 |
5510-8590 |
9190-15780 |
16 |
Peon |
5 |
4300-5930 |
8500-13210 |
ii)Administrative Department should take necessary steps to abolish the posts which are kept vacant for more than one year, as specified in G.O.(P) No.1208/2001/Fin dated 22.10.2001.
iii) Stepping up of the scales of pay of any category will not be allowed under any circumstance.
iv) All the rules relating to fixation of pay as per Annexure II of G.O. (P) No.85/2011/Fin dated 26.02.2011 should be strictly followed except weightage. For service weightage, regular service in Roads and Bridges development Corporation of Kerala Limited only will be reckoned.
v) The date of effect of revision of pay and allowances option and time bound higher grade will be as specified in G.O.(P) No.85/2011/Fin Dated 26.02.2011
vi) HRA as specified at para 13 of G.O. (P) No.85/2011/Fin dated 26.02.2011 will be sanctioned CCA is admissible as specified at para 15 of G.O. (P) No.85/2011 /Fin dated 26.02.2011 and it will be limited to employees working in offices situated within city limits. No allowances other than those mentioned above are admissible.
vii) Upgradation / creation / re-designation of posts (whether full time, part time or temporary) will not be allowed without prior Government sanction.
viii) No person shall be appointed (Whether full time, part time, temporary, contract or daily wages ) without a psot created validly through a Government order.
ix) Payment of arrears shall be decided by the board of Directors depending upon the financial position of the corporation.
x) Additional expenditure on account of revision of apply should be met from own fund of the corporation. Government will not provide any financial assistance in this regard
xi) Maximum employer contribution to EPF will be calculated @ 12% of Rs.6500 (Basic Pay + DA) unless otherwise specifically ordered by the Government.
xii) Managing director will be held personally responsible for any violations in the implementation of the order.
(By order of the Governor)
Secretary Finance (Expenditure)
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