Ad-Hoc Bonus And Special Festival Allowance 2017-18 To State Government Employees And Pensioners – Kerala G.O GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract AD-HOC BONUS AND SPECIAL FESTIVAL ALLOWANCE 2017-18 TO STATE GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES AND PENSIONERS – SANCTIONED – ORDERS ISSUED. FINANCE(LOANS) DEPARTMENT G.0.(P)No.123/2018/Fin Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 08/08/2018 Read:- G.0.(P)No.107/2017/Fin dated 16.08.2017. ORDER Government are pleased to sanction Ad hoc […]
kerala government employees news
Pay Revision Commission- Constituted-kerala
Pay Revision Commission- Constituted Government have constituted Pay Revision Commission to study and make recommendations on revising the pay and allowances and other benefits of the State Government Employees,staff of educational institutions, local bodies etc. For details view
Kerala appointed pay commission for state employees
Cabinet today decided to set up a pay commission to revise the salary and allowances of state government employees. A panel led by Justice C N Ramachandran Nair (retired) has been appointed to submit a report after reviewing the pay revision of government employees, State Chief Minister Oommen Chandy told reporters after a cabinet meeting […]
Dearness Allowance Arrears Time Limit Extended
FINANCE (PAY RESEARCH UNIT) DEPARTMENT G.O. (P) No. 130/2013/Fin. Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 11/03/2013Read:- 1. G.O. (P) No.38/2009/ Fin., dated 17.01.2009 2. G.O. (P) No.211/2009/ Fin., dated 02.06.2009 3. G.O. (P) No.512/2009/ Fin., dated 18.11.2009 4. G.O. (P) No.362/2010/ Fin., dated 03.07.2010 5. G.O. (P) No.37/2011/ Fin., dated 18.01.2011 6. G.O. (P) No.180/2011/ Fin., dated 11/4/2011 7. […]
House Building Advance – Second Mortgage ; Enhancement of Limit
House Building Advance – Second Mortgage ; Enhancement of Limit Government have raised the cost ceiling limit for creating second mortgage from outside financial institutions not to exceed 100 times of basic pay subject to maximum of 25 Lakhs.For details view source-