Pay and Allowances Revised Government have revised the scales of pay and allowances of the following : – Kerala Institute of Labour and Employment (KILE) GO(Ms)No.479/2012/Fin Dated 27/08/2012 Vegetable and Fruit Promotion Council Keralam (VFPCK) GO(Ms)No.480/2012/Fin Dated 27/08/2012 Kerala State Institute for Childrens Literature GO(Ms)No.481/2012/Fin Dated 27/08/2012 Tourists Resorts (Kerala) Limited GO(Ms)No.482/2012/Fin Dated […]
pay and allowances
Revision of scales of pay and allowances of the employees of Roads and Bridges Development Corporation of Kerala Limited
kerala government employees news GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract Finance Department – Revision of scales of pay and allowances of the employees of Roads and Bridges Development Corporation of Kerala Limited – Sanctioned – Orders issued. FINANCE (PAY REVISION CELL-C) DEPARTMENT G.O.(M.S.)No.459/2012/Fin. Dated, thiruvanathapuram 14th August 2012 Read : 1. G.O.(P) No.85/2011/Fin dated 26.02.2011 2. Letter […]