The 9th Steering Committe Meeting of OFB JCM III level council held on 12-03-2010
The points raised by the respective members on NG Staff issued:
1.As the post of the Chargeman grade II & Grade I and the post of Assiatant and office supererindent have been merged due to the implementation of recomendations of 6th PC so the resultant vacant posts should be filled up immediately by granting one time relaxation from the residency period stipulted by DOPT OM dated 24th march 2009.further the vacant post of Asst.foreman and JWM should also be filled up.
SS/BPMS Official side views:DOPT norms contained in OM dated 24-3-09 is applicaable to all central governament employees. As such relaxation pf DOPT norms are not possible at this stage. OFB has issued instructions to effect promotions to CM(T&NT) vide OFB order dated 22-01-2010.Relaxation at this can not be accorded.Poweer to relax residen cy period rests with MOD and it may take time and entire process of promotion may be delayed.promotions to AF for 2009-10 is over.
Decision: A proposal for one time relaxation of residency period for the promotion from the feeder grade(merged) to the higher grade maay be taken up with MOD.
2.Promotion of all eligible Chargeman to AF/FM/SH. Promotions of all eligible (approximately 411) chargeman (ex-cm I/T&NT) against over all vacancies be ordered from GP Rs.4200/- to Rs.24600/- during the current financial year(before march 2010)through review DPC-2009-2010.It will facilitate paricy amongst streem and gainful utilisation of vacancies.
BKS/AIANGO. It was decided that DPC for 2010-11 may be convened at the earlist.
3.Filling the LDCE vacancies of CM against 25% from available wait list candidates in ordnance factories. RS/INDWF. last examinations of LDCE to fill 25% CM II was conducted during the year 2008. Due proposed merger of CM II with CM I, LDCE examinations were not conducted during 2009 and till date. Action is in hand for conducting LDCE during 2010.
4.Transfer Policy. BRN/BPMS . The existing policy of OFB for GOs and NGOs are faulty due to which the credibility of OFB is going down and lot of rumours are spreading to defame the prganization.He suggested for framing suitable transparent transfer policy in consultation with staff side. He also suggested to(i)stop the implementation of intger factory transfers on public interest,(ii)unavoidable transfers may be executed in the month of June/july,(iii)to issue transfer orders on promotion only etc.,.It was stated that the existing policy wasd being reiewd by the official side.
5.Creation ofseperate discipline as CM II Tech/Electical(Electronics) BNR/BPMS.OFB has issued order on 25-1-2010 with drawing its earlier instructions dated 28-5-07 regarding the promotions of Fitter Electronics to CM. Some factories are effecting th order for the individuals aalready promoted to CM (Electrical/Electronics0 It was stated that a circular would be issued to the factories not to reopen the pas cases.
6.No recruitment /joining of JWM through LDCE/UPSC till merger of AF/FM/SH with JWM. BKS/AIANGO. PROPOSAL IS NOT AGREED TO. Point is closed.
7.Gainful utilisation of vacancies and one time relaxation in eligib ility for promotion from CM to AF/FM/SH – BKS/AIANGO To fill up the remaining 2436(approx.2847-411=2436) vaciencies in Grade of AF/FM/SH.-Official side views :Right at this moment it is not advisable to go for relaxation in residency period.
8.Up gradation of & Merger AF/FM/SH with JWM w.e.f 1-1-06 as per Govt. Orders. BKS/AIANGO. Officials side says that the proposl for merger of the posts of AF/FM/SH with JWM w.e.f 1-1-06 is still under the examination of MOD along with another proposal for upgradation of pre-revised pay scale of Rs.7400/- Rs.11000/- to Rs.7500/- Rs.12000/- and accordingly awarding respective higher pay.It is decided that staff side requested that the merger orders of AF to JWM should be issued byOFB at the earliest. It was decided that the pending proposals may be pursued with MOD for early finalisation of the issue.
Source: NDNGS
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