Rules : Release of Death Relief Fund in COVID-19 deaths on the basis of undertaking of eligible beneficiaries etc without insisting on death certificate कर्मचारी भविष्य निधि संगठनEmployees Provident Fund Organisationश्रम एवं रोजगार मंत्रालय, भारत सरकारMinistry of Labour & Employment, Government of India No.B-11/1/2020-HRM-VI/339 Dated :01.06.2021 To,All ACC (HQ) (Zone) / ACC (Zone) / Director […]
Industrial Relations (Central) Recognition of Negotiating Union or Negotiating Council and Adjudication of Disputes of Trade Unions Rules, 2021.: Draft Rules for comments
Industrial Relations (Central) Recognition of Negotiating Union or Negotiating Council and Adjudication of Disputes of Trade Unions Rules, 2021.: Draft Rules for comments MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 4th May, 2021 G.S.R. 317(E).—The following draft rules, which the Central Government proposes to make in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section […]
Rules : Revised guidelines relating to implementation of ESIC Pensioner Medical Scheme-2006
Rules : Revised guidelines relating to implementation of ESIC Pensioner Medical Scheme-2006 EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION(Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India)HEADQUARTER Panchdeep Bhawan, CIG Marg, NewDelhi- 110002 No: D-12/16/1/ 2012-E-VI.Vol.II Dated: 25 May, 2021 MEMORANDUM Subject : Revised guidelines relating to implementation of ESIC Pensioner Medical Scheme-2006. The ESIC- Pensioners’ Medical Scheme came […]
Rules : Submission of bills/claims through fax/e-mail or any other mode of communication upto 31st July 2021
Rules : Submission of bills/claims through fax/e-mail or any other mode of communication upto 31st July 2021 Controller General of Defence AccountsUlan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.-110010No.AN/Coord/3012/Circular/Vol. VIII Dated : 25.05.2021 TOAll PCDAs/PCA(Fys. )/PIFAsCDAs/ CFAs(Fys)/IFAs/RTCs(through CGDA website) Sub: Submission of bills/claims through fax/e-mail or any other mode of communication upto 31st July 2021. Please refer […]
Rules : Timely submission of APARs is the duty of the concerned officer: CVC Circular 25-05-2021
Rules : Timely submission of APARs is the duty of the concerned officer: CVC Circular 25-05-2021 CENTRAL VIGILNCE COMMISSIONSatarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex,Block A, INA, New Delhi-10023 NO. 021-ACR-25 Dated..25-05-2021 CIRCULAR Subject: Timely submission of APARs — Reg I am directed to state that inspite of extant instructions on timely submission of APAR. is observed that […]