Rules : Submission of bills/claims through fax/e-mail or any other mode of communication upto 31st July 2021
Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.-110010
No.AN/Coord/3012/Circular/Vol. VIII
Dated : 25.05.2021
All PCDAs/PCA(Fys. )/PIFAs
(through CGDA website)
Sub: Submission of bills/claims through fax/e-mail or any other mode of communication upto 31st July 2021.
Please refer to HOrs. Circular dated 27th March 2020 vide which decision of the competent authority was conveyed for submission of bills through FAX/e-mail or any other mode of communication upto 31st March, 2020 followed by extension of provision upto 31st May, 2020, 30th June 2020 and subsequently upto 30st September, 2020.
2. Now, the competent authority has decided that the subject relaxation to be extended upto 31st July 2021 in view of current situation due to the pandemic subject to observance of following provisions and all necessary audit checks:
(i) The claims/bills/cash assignments etc. should be submitted by the Executive authorities/Units to the paying authorities using official e-mail ID only. PCDA/CDA offices may admit such claims subject to fulfillment of all audit requirements. This will be followed by ink signed copies of the bills/claims/cash assignment and other documents. Suitable mechanism may be established to watch the receipt of ink signed copies of bills/claims or any other documents to avoid any duplicate payments.
ii) In case of erroneous receipt of such bills/claim ete. pertaining to other paying authorities i.e, PCDA/CDA/Area Accounts Offices (AAO), should be forwarded to respective offices of PCDA/CDA/Area Accounts Office’s to avoid any duplicate payment.
iii) The Executive Authority/Unit will authenticate the copy of the claims/bills etc. submitted by the vendor under their signature and affix a certificate on the body of the bill to the effect that this is the first payment against the claim and under no circumstances this claim will be presented in future for payment again.
iv) A certificate will be affixed on body of the original bill to the effect that this bill has already been claimed through digital mode alongwith reference number and date of submission through online/e-mail should be furnished.
(G.K. Bakanwal)
Sr. Dy. CGDA(AN)
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