Rules : Release of Death Relief Fund in COVID-19 deaths on the basis of undertaking of eligible beneficiaries etc without insisting on death certificate
कर्मचारी भविष्य निधि संगठन
Employees Provident Fund Organisation
श्रम एवं रोजगार मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार
Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India
Dated :01.06.2021
All ACC (HQ) (Zone) / ACC (Zone) / Director (PDNASS) / ACC (ASD) & The President, Regional Staff Welfare Committees
Subject: Release of Death Relief Fund in COVID-19 deaths on the basis of undertaking of eligible beneficiaries etc- Reg.
Reference: (i). Head Office letter No. Welfare/3(100)2017-18/26th Meeting/10594 dated 25.08.2017 and (ii) Head Office letter No. Welfare/3(136)2019/Policy Matters/8 dated 28.04.2020
Sir/ Madam,
Kind attention is invited to the circulars dated 25.08.2017 and 28.04.2020 on the subject cited above.
2. In accordance with the decision of the Central Staff Welfare Committee in its 26th Meeting, as circulated vide letter dated 25.08 .2017, the Ex-gratia Death Relief Fund amount will be increased by 10% after every two years viz from 1.4.2015. Accordingly w.e .f. 01st April 2021 an amount of Rs. 4.20 Lakh is to be paid as Ex¬ gratia Death Relief Fund to the family members/legal heirs/dependent of the deceased employee.
3. Further, kind attention is invited to the Head Office Circular Dated 28.04.2020 vide which approval of the Central Provident Fund Commissioner/President, Central Staff Welfare Committee has been conveyed that an Ex-gratia amount of Rs. 10 Lakh shall be granted to the family member /legal heirs / dependent in case of unfortunate death of an employee of EPFO due to Covid-19.
4. It has come to the notice that payment of Ex-gratia DRF is getting delayed for want of death certificates. To mitigate the financial hardship of the family of the deceased employee, President, Regional Staff Welfare Committee and concerned officer in charge where in deceased employee was posted at the time of death, should ensure to release, within three working days of receipt of the application, the Ex-gratia amount (as admissible) on the basis of undertaking of eligible beneficiaries/ Cremation/Burial Slip/Hospital Report without insisting on the death certificate. The other retiral benefits may be released on receipt of death certificate.
5. Further, the Welfare Officer should be deputed to facilitate the nominee/ family members/legal heirs/dependent in filling up of application forms/ submission of requisite documents to claim all types of retirement benefits and to apply for compassionate appointment.
(Issued with the approval of the CPFC / President, CSWC,EPF)
Yours faithfully ,
(Rizwan Uddin)
Regional PF Commissioner- (HRM)
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