The Government of India, Ministry of Railways, has announced the rate of interest for the State Railway Provident Fund during the 2nd Quarter of the financial year 2023-24
GDCE to Fill 25% Direct Recruitment Quota Vacancies
Regarding the General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) for filling up 25% of the Direct Recruitment Quota vacancies
Understanding the Reservation Policy in Mass Upgradation – RBE No. 91/2023
The Indian Ministry of Railways, in RBE No. 91/2023, has issued a clarification regarding the reservation policy in the upgradation of pay structure for certain cadres
Supreme Court Quashes Compensation Order in Theft Case
The Supreme Court stated that the Railways cannot be held responsible for the theft as it is the passenger’s responsibility to safeguard their belongings
Reservation Policy in Upgradation of Pay Structure at South Central Railway
The South Central Railway has issued a circular regarding the upgradation of pay structure for certain cadres and the implementation of the reservation policy.