The Railway Board has issued a letter, RBE No. 90/2023, to all Zonal Railways regarding the General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) for filling up 25% of the Direct Recruitment Quota vacancies. This is in reference to the Board’s earlier letter, RBE No. 80/2023, which invited applications from eligible serving regular employees for critical safety categories such as Assistant Loco Pilots, Technicians, Junior Engineers, and Train Managers.
General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) for filling up 25% of the Direct Recruitment Quota vacancies
RBE No. 90/2023
(रेलवे बोर्ड/RAILWAY BOARD)
No. E(NG)l/2023/PM1/12
New Delhi, dated 14.07.2023
The General Manager
All Zonal Railways
(As per standard mailing list)
Sub: General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) for filling up 25% of the Direct Recruitment Quota vacancies -reg.
Ref : Board’s letter of even number dated 20.06.2023 (RBE No. 80/2023).
Attention is invited to Board’s letter of even number dated 20.06.2023 (RBE No. 80/2023) on the above mentioned subject vide which instructions have been issued that applications may be invited from eligible serving regular employees, including from the related PUs,· as per extant norms, for the critical safety categories of Zonal Railways(other than Workshops) viz. Assistant Loco Pilots, Technicians, Junior Engineers and Train Managers for filling up 25% of the Direct Recruitment Quota vacancies through GDCE.
In this connection, the followings further instructions for conducting the GDCE are advised as under:
I. Template for examination process is enclosed herewith for suitable incorporation in the single GDCE notification to be issued by RRCs of each Railway Zone regarding GDCE examination in the specified categories. This is only indicative in respect of the exam process.
II. The exam is likely to be held any time after September, 2023. Railways should plan their schedule accordingly and list of eligible candidates should be made available before September end.
III. RRC may ensure to collect the data such as (i) Railway/PU; (ii) Division/Workshop/Unit; (iii) Candidate’s Name (iv) Father ‘s Name of candidate; (v) Designation; (vi) Date of Birth; (vii) I-PAS no; (viii) HRMS D; (ix) Aadhaar number;(x) place of posting; (xi) Controlling Officer (xii) Mobile no; (xiii) Email D (xiv) Community (UR/SC/ST); (xv) PwBD or not; (xvi) If yes, PwBD category; (xvii) f a PwBD whether entitled to a scribe (xviii) Post applied for (xix) Exam group/Trade in which they will be taking the exam etc. (xx) Permanent and correspondence Address; (xxi) Proposed exam city. The same would be required to send to nodal RRB for issuance of E-Call letter.
IV. Nodal RRB will assist in holding the GDCE CBT and Computer Based Aptitude Test as per laid down procedures. RRB will, thereafter, only be responsible to provide the list of candidates with their score to the Zonal Railways for their further necessary action.
Necessary action may please be taken accordingly. Hindi version will follow.
Please acknowledge receipt.
DA: Nil.
(Sanjay Kumar)
Deputy Director Estt.(N)
Railway Board
E-mail : sanjay.kumar6[at]
Ph. No. 43658/01123303658
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