CGDA CIRCULAR Subject: Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS):Clarification regarding grant of financial benefit to Hindi Officers. The matter regarding grant of financial Upgradation under MACP Scheme to those Hindi Officers, who have been initially appointed as Hindi Translators -grade II, after qualifying the Departmental examination, was referred to the Ministry for clarification as to […]
Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) Scheme to Multi Tasking Staff MTS of AFHQ/ISOs
IMMEDIATE/BY HAND No.A/43019/MACP/MTS/3/CAO/P-2 MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (Office of the JS(Trg) & CAO) Sub: First/Second/Third Financial upgradation under Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) Scheme to Multi Tasking Staff MTS of AFHQ/ISOs on completion of 10/20/30 years’ regular service in the grade. In terms of instructions issued by DOP&T vide O.M. No.35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) dated 19 May 2009 and […]
IRTSA writes to Railway Board on MACPS
INDIAN RAILWAYS TECHNICAL SUPERVISORS ASSOCIATION (Estd. 1965, Regd. No.1329, website ) No. IRTSA/ Memo/RB/ Date: 22-10-2012 MEMBER STAFF RAILWAY BOARD, NEW DELHI Respected Sir, Sub: MACPS – Reg: Grant of third financial upgradation under MACPS on completion of 20 years of service from the first promotion OR 10 years after second promotion Or 30 […]
Assured Career Progression Scheme (ACPS) for the Central Government Civilian Employees regarding
DOPT ORDERS 2012 IMMEDIATE No. 35034/1/97-Estt.(D) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) North Block, New Delhi-110001 Dated: 4th October, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:Assured Career Progression Scheme (ACPS) for the Central Government Civilian Employees regarding. The undersigned is directed to invite reference to the Department […]
Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the Central Government Civilian Employees — Clarification regarding
No. 35034/3/2008-Est (D) (Vol.11) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) Establishment (D) North Block, New Delhi Dated: 4th October, 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the Central Government Civilian Employees — Clarification regarding Reference is invited to the Department of Personnel & […]