Ex-Servicemen : Family pensioner is charged with the offence of murdering the Government servant or abetting – Suspension of family pension

Allowing family pension to other eligible family member in the event of family pensioner is charged with the offence of murdering the Government servant or for abetting in the commission of such an offence F. No. 2(3)/2021/D(Pen/Pol)Government of IndiaMinistry of DefenceDepartment of Ex-Servicemen WelfareD(Pension/Policy) Room No. 222, ‘B’ Wing,Sena Bhawan, New Delhi-110011.Dated: 05th January, 2022 … Read more

DOPT – Nomination of Liaison Officer for implementation of reservations relating to Ex-Servicemen in the posts and services

DOPT - Nomination of Liaison Officer for implementation of reservations relating to Ex-Servicemen in the posts and services

Nomination of Liaison Officer for implementation of orders of reservations relating to Ex-Servicemen No. 36034/2/2017-Estt.(Res.)Government of IndiaMinistry of Personnel, Public Grievances and PensionsDepartment of Personnel and Training North Block, New Delhi Dated the 31 December, 2021 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Nomination of Liaison Officer for implementation of orders of reservations relating to Ex-Servicemen in the posts … Read more

Guidelines for the Functioning of DGR Scheme – Defence

Guidelines for the Functioning of DGR Scheme – Defence No. 28(138)2019/D(Res-I)Government of IndiaMinistry of DefenceDepartment of Ex-servicemen Welfare Sena Bhawan, New Delhi,the 6th February, 2020 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: – Guidelines for the Functioning of Director General Resettlement (DGR) Scheme to provide ESM Manpower for “Technical Services” to the Government Establishments / Complexes through Empanelled State … Read more

Re-Employment of Ex-Servicemen

Re-Employment of Ex-Servicemen 04/12/2019 Directorate General Resettlement (DGR)  maintains data on registration of Ex-servicemen (ESM) for employment and their placement on Half Yearly basis based on data received from Rajya Sainik Boards (RSBs)/Zila Sainik Boards(ZSBs) across the country. State-wise data on ESM as on 30th June, 2019 is as under:- Details of the total strength of … Read more

Inter-se priority for reservation/preference to the wards of Armed Forces personnel by States /UTs for admission to Medical/Professional / Non-Professional Courses

Inter-se priority for reservation/preference to the wards of Armed Forces personnel by States /UTs for admission to Medical/Professional / Non-Professional Courses F.No.6(1)/2017/13(Res.II) Government of India Ministry of Defence Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare Room No.237 ’13’ Wing Sena Bhawan, New Delhi May 21, 2018 To The Chief Secretaries/Administrators All States/UTs. Subject : Inter-se priority for reservation/preference … Read more