The Ministry of Defence has issued a separate table, Table No. 8, along with the One Rank One Pension (OROP) letter dated 20.01.2023
Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare
DESW: Pro-rata pensionary benefits to the JCO/ORs of Defence Services on permanent absorption/employment in CPE/CAB/CPSU
Grant of pro-rata pensionary benefits to the JCO/ORs of Defence Services on permanent absorption/employment in Central Public Enterprises/Central Autonomous Bodies/Central Public Sector Undertaking
Empanelment of 61 hospitals / nursing homes and diagnostic centres for ECHS
empanelment of Medical facilities with ECHS held on 07 July, 2022 under the chairmanship of MD ECHS to empanel 61 Private Hospitals/Nursing Homes and Diagnostic Laboratories for different specialities and procedures
DESW : Empanelment of 16 hospitals / nursing homes and diagnostic centres for ECHS with additional facility
Empanelment of Additional Medical facilities with ECHS in its meeting held on 07 July, 2022 under the chairmanship of MD ECHS to empanel additional facilities of 16 Private Hospitals/Nursing Homes and Diagnostic Laboratories for different specialties and procedures
Dis-empanelment of 20 Hospitals / Nursing Homes / Eye Centres / Diagnostic Centres under ECHS
dis-empanelment of 20 Hospitals / Nursing Homes / Eye Centres / Diagnostic Centres which have not renewed MoA with Regional Centres, ECHS with immediate effect