The Bharatiya Pratiraksha Mazdoor Sangh (BPMS) is an all India federation of defense workers and an industrial unit of the B.M.S. It is recognized by the Ministry of Defense, Government of India.
Intimation of Unauthorised Absence and DAD Pay Regulations
It is addressing the issue of unauthorised absence of officials and its impact on DAD (Defence Accounts Department) pay.
Inequity in CGEGIS Subscription: Master Craftsman in DGQA Seeking Rectification
The Bharatiya Pratiraksha Mazdoor Sangh (BPMS) is an All India Federation of Defence Workers and an industrial unit of the Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS). It is recognized by the Ministry of Defence, Government of India.
Clarification on Productivity Linked Bonus for AOC Civilians
Office of the Controller of Defence Accounts Guwahati has issued Circular No. 57 regarding the clarification on Productivity Linked Bonus for the Civilians of the Army Ordnance Corps (AOC) for the year 2020-2022.
Improving NPS Oversight – Instructions for CDA Guwahati
The Office of the Controller of Defence Accounts in Guwahati has issued a memorandum to various offices regarding the review of NPS Oversight Mechanism.