The Office of CGDA has issued a circular regarding the deduction of income tax on the interest earned on GPF subscriptions exceeding Rs. 5 lakhs during the financial year 2021-22.
CGDA Orders
Nomination for 79th Staff Course at DSSC for Civilian Officers
The Office of the CGDA has issued a letter to all the PCsDA/PCA (Fys)/PIFAs CsDA/IFAs regarding the Nomination of Civilian Officers for the 79th Staff Course at Defence Services Staff College (DSSC), Wellington, starting from 5th June 2023.
IDAS Officers’ Executive Record Sheets now Available on CGDA’s Website
The letter is addressed to all the PCsDA/CsDA and equivalent offices through CGDA’s website, informing them about the updated Executive Record (ER) Sheets of IDAS officers.
Important Circular from CENTRAD on SAS Examination Rules 2019
The circular clarifies that only those candidates who pass the SAS Part I examination will be allowed to sit for the SAS Part II examination. The circular urges all concerned parties to circulate the information widely.
Lists of Hard and Tenure Stations – DAD
There is no change in the criteria and procedure for posting/transfer at these stations and they will remain the same as outlined in previous CGDA letters.