The Office of the Controller General of Defence Accounts has issued a letter to all the PCsDA/PCA (Fys)/PIFAs CsDA/IFAs regarding the Nomination of Civilian Officers for the 79th Staff Course at Defence Services Staff College (DSSC), Wellington, starting from 5th June 2023. The Ministry of Defence ID No. 02/11/2019/D(GS.ll)/DMA dated 09.02.2023 is enclosed for information and necessary action. The letter requests the names of willing officers from the 2013-2015 batch of IDAS serving under their organizations to be submitted by 3rd March 2023. The eligibility of the willing officer should be checked before forwarding the nomination. If selected, the officer’s name cannot be withdrawn from the course. If no willingness is received, the CGDA will nominate the officer for the course. Annexure II & III should be duly filled in and countersigned by the sponsoring Authority.
Nomination of Civilian Officers for 79th Staff Course at Defence Services Staff College (DSSC), Wellington, commencing from 05th June, 2023
कार्यालय, रक्षा लेखा महानियंत्रक
Office of the Controller General of Defence Accounts
उलान बटार रोड, पालम, दिल्ली छावनी – 110010
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.- 110010
No. AN-1/1333/3/IV (DSSC)
Date: 24.02.2023
Subject: Nomination of Civilian Officers for 79th Staff Course at Defence Services Staff College (DSSC), Wellington, commencing from 05th June, 2023.
Ministry of Defence ID No. 02/11/2019/D(GS.ll)/DMA dated 09.02.2023 is enclosed for information and necessary action.
It is requested to intimate name of willing officer(s) from 2013-2015 batch of IDAS serving under your organizations , so as to reach in the HQrs office by 3rd March, 2023. The information may please be provided through email on email id: an1-pinklist[.]cgda[@] The eligibility of the willing officer may be checked before forwarding the nomination. Annexure II & III may be duly filled in all respect and countersigned by the sponsoring Authority (Concerned PCDA/CDA level officer). It may please be made clear to the officer(s), if selected, it may not be possible to withdraw the name from the course. It is also communicated that in the event of non receipt of any willingness, the CGDA will nominate the officer for the course.
(Shashi Pratap Singh)
Sr. ACGDA (AN-1)
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