Disbursement of Productivity Linked Bonus for the financial year 2018-19 to all eligible non-gazetted Railway employees mentioned in Para I above should be made on priority in the-same mode as payment of salary before the ensuing Puja/Dussehra holidays.
Cabinet approved the Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) 78 days wages
This is the sixth consecutive year that the Government led by Mr Narendra Modi has maintained a Railway bonus of 78 days wages. It has never lowered it.
Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to the Railway employees for the year 2018-19
Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to the Railway employees for the year 2018-19 NFIR National Federation of Indian Railwaymen 3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi – 110 055 No.I/10/Part IV Dated: 19.08.2019 The Chairman, Railway Board, New Delhi Dear Sir, Sub: Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to the Railway employees for the year 2018-19. NFIR brings […]
Ad-hoc Increase from 1-1-2019 by TN Government
Ad-hoc Increase from 1-1-2019 by TN Government Government of Tamil Nadu2019 MANUSCRIPT SERIES FINANCE [Allowances] DEPARTMENTG.O.Ms.No.152, Dated 20th May 2019.(Vihari, Vaikasi-06, Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2050)ABSTRACT AD-HOC INCREASE – Employees drawing Consolidated Pay / Fixed Pay / Honorarium -Another Ad-hoc Increase from 1-1-2019 – Orders – Issued. Read the following:-1. G.O.Ms.No.314, Finance (Allowances) Department, dated: 18-09-2018.2. G.O.Ms.No.151, […]
Gazette Notification – Payment of Bonus(Amendment) Rules, 2019
Gazette Notification – Payment of Bonus(Amendment) Rules, 2019 MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 29th January, 2019 G.S.R. 58(E).-Whereas a draft of certain rules further to amend the Payment of Bonus Rules, 1975, among other rules, were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, sub-section (i) vide notification […]