This government order from the Tamil Nadu government in India announces the payment of ad-hoc bonus and special ad-hoc bonus for the accounting year 2021-2022.The link to download the Pongal Bonus GO 2023 PDF can be found at the end of this article. You can easily download the PDF for free by clicking on the […]
Special Ad-hoc Bonus(‘C’&’D’ Group) for the FY 2021-22 by TN Govt
Government has decided to grant Adhoc Bonus to celebrate harvest festival “Pongal” equivalent to 30 days emoluments subject to a ceiling of Rs.3,000/- to all ‘C’ and ‘D’ Group regular and temporary Government employees
RBE No. 133/2022 : Ad-hoc bonus for 30 days to the Group ‘C’ RPF/RPSF personnel for FY 2021-22
The President is pleased to decide that all Group ‘C’ RPF/RPSF personnel, may be granted ad-hoc bonus equivalent to 30 (thirty) days emoluments for the financial year 2021-22, without any wage eligibility ceiling.
Cabinet approves payment of Productivity Linked Bonus equivalent to 78 days for FY 2021-22 – PIB
This year PLB amount equivalent to 78 days wages has been paid to about 11.27 lakh non-gazetted Railway employees. The maximum amount payable per eligible railway employee is Rs. 17,951/- for 78 days
Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to the employees Ordnance Factories, DGQA & DGAQA for the year 2021-22
Regarding Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to the employees Ordnance Factories, DGQA & DGAQA for the year 2021-22