REPORT ON STAFF SIDE JCM MEETING WITH 7TH PAY COMMISSION ON 25TH FEB Joint Consultative Machinery for Central Government Employees No. NC-JCM/2015/S.C February 26, 2015 Dear Comrade The Standing Committee of the Staff Side, National Council has interaction with the 7th CPC on 25th Feb. 2015 followed by the Standing Committee meeting of National Council […]
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Feedback of JCM Staff Side Meeting with the Chairman, 7th CPC – 25/02/2015
Feedback of JCM Staff Side Meeting with the Chairman, 7th CPC – 25/02/2015 NFIR National Federation of Indian Railwaymen 3, CHELMSFORD ROAD, NEW DELHI – 110 055 Affiliated to : Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) No.IV/NFIR/7th CPC/Corres/Pt.V Dated 25/02/2015 MESSAGE Sub: JCM Staff Side Meeting with the Chairman, 7th […]
Minutes of the meeting of the Standing Committee held on 7th May, 2014
Minutes of the meeting of the Standing Committee held on 7th May, 2014 1. A meeting of the Standing Committee of the National Council (JCM), was held on 7.5.2014 at 11.00 AM in Conference Room No 119, North Block and was chaired by Dr S K Sarkar, Secretary DOP&T. A list of members who attended […]
NFIR’s 55-Point Charter of Demands
NFIR’s 55-Point Charter of Demands 1. Withdraw FDI, PPP in Railways – Stop Out Sourcing, Contractorisation and Privatization. 2. Scrap New Pension Scheme in Railways and restore liberalised pension scheme. 3. DA merger with pay with retrospective effect and payment of Interim Relief to Central Government employees (serving and retired). 4. Calculation and payment of […]
7th Pay Commission has invited National Council JCM/Staff side for a meeting on 25.02.2015
7th Pay Commission has invited National Council JCM/Staff side for a meeting on 25.02.2015 MEENA AGARWAL SECRETARY GOVERNMENT OF INDIA SEVENTH CENTRAL PAY COMMISSION D.O. No. 7CPC/158/Meetingst2015 18th February, 2015 Dear The Seventh Central Pay Commission has, from the time of its constitution, engaged with a variety of stakeholders on issues which it has been […]