Transfer Policy for Postal Civil Wing Officers and Officials – Issue of guidelines.
F.No. 4-4/2007-CWP/Vol.11/(B)/W6
Government of India
Ministry of Communication
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated : 04/11/2019
Transfer Policy for Postal Civil Wing Officers and Officials – Issue of guidelines.
Reference is invited to this office O.M. of even number dated 12th October, 2012 with amendment up to date vide which policy guidelines for transfer/postings of Civil Wing personnel of Department of Posts were issued. The matter relating to transfer guidelines for all the officers and officials of the Postal Civil Wing has been reviewed. The competent authority in partial modification and supersession of earlier policy guidelines mentioned above has approved the following transfer policy guidelines with immediate effect.
- (a) The allotment of Junior Engineer (Civil/Electrical) and Architectural Assistants shall be made to the SE(Civil/Electrical)/ Senior Architect with the approval of the Chief Engineer (C), Works/HQ, New Delhi and thereafter transfers and postings shall be done by respective SE (Civil/Electrical)/ Senior Architect. Likewise allotment of
AE(Civil/AE(Electrical/Assistant Architect shall be done to CE(C),Works/HQ with the approval of Additional DG (Coordination) and thereafter transfers and postings shall be done by respective CE (C), Works/HQ.
1.(b) The competent authorities to approve posting and transfer orders in respect of Junior Engineers (Civil), Junior Engineers (Elect.), Architectural Assistants, Assistant Engineers(Civil), Assistant Engineers (Electrical), Assistant Architects, Assistant Executive Engineers (Civil), Assistant Executive Engineers (Electrical), Deputy Architects, Executive Engineers (Civil), Executive Engineers (Electrical), Architects, Superintending Engineers (Civil), Superintending Engineer (Electrical), Senior Architects and Chief Engineers (Civil) shall be as indicated in Annexure ‘A’ (enclosed).
- The post and station tenure for different cadres is uniformly fixed as 3 years and 6 years respectively. Moreover it will be ensured that tenure of officers/officials working on sensitive post does not under any circumstances exceed 3 years.
2.1 Notwithstanding the above a reduced tenure of two years is prescribed in respect of North East Region, Sikkim, Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshadweep, J&K and Ladakh.
- 2.2 Classification of Sensitive and Non-sensitive posts in the Civil Wing of the DoP shall be as under-

2.3 The officers due to be retired within a year will not generally be disturbed, subject to administrative exigencies.
- On completion of the normal tenure, an officer may be considered for posting to anyone of the three stations of his choice as far as possible. However, in respect of officers posted to specified areas mentioned in Para 2.1, the officers on completion of their tenure will ordinarily get preference for posting to the place of their choice subject to administrative exigencies. In case no post is vacant and available, he may be transferred to any other place but will be adjusted at the place of his choice at the earliest opportunity whenever any post falls vacant at the place of his choice. It is clarified that such subsequent posting for adjustment of the officer will be treated as a request posting and no TA/DA shall be admissible.
3.1 No officer should normally be posted back to the same post or same station unless he completes a full tenure on a different post or at a different station as the case may be.
- The Executive Engineers/Assistant Engineers should be rotated from field posts to Planning posts and vice versa after completion of normal tenures in post.
- Crucial date for determining the completion of the tenure will be 30th September. The transfers, as far as possible (except in case of administrative exigency), should be issued to coincide with the start of academic session.
- The request for transfer to a choice station will be considered only after the official has put in service of at least two years at the station where he/she has been posted. In case of transfers at own request the officers will not be entitled to any TA/DA and joining time etc. However, in cases where such officials have completed their normal tenure, the transfers will be issued in the interest of administration notwithstanding their requests, and in such cases the officers/officials will be entitled to TA/DA and joining time.
7. The vacancies available in a particular zone/station at the time of issue of posting orders will be filled up as per administrative requirements with due regard to overall shortage of staff which should be distributed on pro-rata basis.
However, consideration may be given to following categories ad seriatim as far as administratively feasible:-
- Eligible lady officers/officials, in order to accommodate them in the same station as their spouses.
- Eligible handicapped officials especially those requiring medical facilities not available at other stations.
- Eligible requests for transfer based on their continuous length of stay outside the station for which requested.
8. In respect of transfer on promotion, incase the officer/official does not join within one month of the issue of orders or earlier if specified it will be deemed that he/she has declined his/her promotion with all the attendant disqualifications. In case of declining of promotions on subsequent promotion, the benefit of pay will be allowed only from the date of assumption of charge of the post and officer will not be considered for promotion for a period of one year as per Rules.
9. For posting to specified areas with reduced tenure, a roster will be maintained at the level of Chief Engineer (Civil) in strict order of seniority and orders will be issued ad seriatim without exception except under medical advice issued by a duly constituted competent Medical Board. However, the Medical Certificate should be specific for the particular station e.g. Officers not found fit for posting to Ladakh for instance due to high altitude may be posted to other non-hilly areas with reduced tenure.
10. The respective SE(C)/SE(E)/Sr Architect may design guidelines for transfer and posting of staff in their jurisdiction within the broad framework of this policy, if felt necessary, keeping in view the peculiar geographical and other administrative considerations, only after prior approval of Chief Engineer ( Civil)/HQ Postal Directorate, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi.
11. Transfers in the interest of service may be ordered by the competent authority under administrative exigencies even though they do not fall within the purview of these guidelines but for all such orders the competent authority should record reasons in writing on the file.
12. Attention is invited to the provisions contained in the Rule 20 of CCS Conduct Rules 1964 which lays down that no Government servant shall attempt to bring or bring any political or other influence to bear upon any superior authority to further his interest in respect of matters pertaining to service under the Government. Often representations with full official data are being sent by the official’s spouse/parents of the Government servant bringing political or other influence to bear upon the Administration. This can only happen at the behest of the Government servant concerned and if a reference on his behalf is received from any dignitary, the full involvement of Govt. servant in bringing pressure upon Government in violation of Rule 20 of CCS conduct Rules will be assumed and will be viewed seriously which includes
recording to this fact in the APAR of the concerned official and also suitable disciplinary action as prescribed in the Rules.

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