Instructions regarding Rotational transfer – DOP
No. X-12/1/2019-SPN-II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Personnel Division)
DakBhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110 001
Dated: 7th May, 2019
All Chief Postmasters General / Postmasters General
Chief General Manager, BD Directorate/ Parcel Directorate / PLI Directorate Director, RAKNPA./ GM, CEPT / Directors of all PTCs
Addl. Director General, Army Postal Service, New Delhi
All General Managers (Finance) / Directors Postal Accounts / DDAP
Subject: – Instructions regarding Rotational transfer.
I am directed to refer to transfer policy guidelines for regulating transfer of Group ‘C’, Group ‘B’ (non-gazetted) and Assistant Superintendent of Posts issued vide Directorate’s communication no. 141-141/2013-SPN-II dated 17.01.2019. As per para 5 (i) if ibid communication, Post tenure of an employee shall be 3 years and station tenure shall be 6 years. However, an employee may be transferred before completion of post/station tenure on administrative grounds for reasons to be recorded in writing by an authority who is superior to the authority competent to order such transfer. The Authority Competent to approve the rotational transfer in normal course will initiate the proposal with proper justification for approval of the Superior Authority.
2. Various references have been received from service Unions/Associations
requesting to exempt RMS officials from the provision of 6 years of Station tenure. The matter has been examined and found that most of the posts in RMS held by Group ‘C’ officials are non sensitive posts. Therefore, it has been decided to exempt Group ‘C’ RMS officials from the provision of 6 years of station tenure. However, the provision of post tenure of 3 years will continue to be in force.
Yours faithfully,
(Muthuraman C)
Assistant Director General (SPN)
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