Pay Matrix Table For Jammu & Kashmir

Pay Matrix Table For Jammu & Kashmir

Jammu & Kashmir Pay Martix Table Pay Band Wise
Jammu & Kashmir Pay Martix Table Pay Band – (4400 To 7440)
Jammu & Kashmir Pay Matrix Table Pay Band – PB I (5200 To 20200)
Jammu & Kashmir Pay Matrix Table Pay Band – PB II (9300 To 34800)
Jammu & Kashmir Pay Matrix Table Pay Band – PB III (15600 To 39100)
Jammu & Kashmir Pay Matrix Table Pay Band – PB IV (37400 To 67000)
Jammu & Kashmir Pay Matrix Table Pay Band – (67000 To 79000)
Jammu & Kashmir Pay Matrix Table Pay Band – (75500 To 80000)
Jammu & Kashmir Pay Matrix Table Pay Band – 80000
Pay Matrix Jammu and Kashmir
Pay Band 4400-7440 5200-20200 9300-34800 15600-39100 37400-67000 67000-79000 75500-80000 80000
Grarde Pay 1300 1400 1650 1800 1900 2100 2300 2400 2800 4200 4210 4220 4240 4260 4280 4300 4400 4600 4800 5200 5400 5600 6600 7600 8700 8900 10000 0 0 0
Level SL1 SL2 SL3 1 2 3A 3B 4 5 6 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 6G 7 8 8A 9 10A 11 12 13 13A 14 15 16 17
1 14800 15900 16900 18000 19900 25300 25400 25500 29200 35400 35500 35600 35700 35800 35900 40800 42300 44900 47600 50700 52700 56600 67700 78800 123100 131100 144200 182200 205400 225000
2 15200 16400 17400 18500 20500 26100 26200 26300 30100 36500 36600 36700 36800 36900 37000 42000 43600 46200 49000 52200 54300 58300 69700 81200 126800 135000 148500 187700 211600
3 15700 16900 17900 19100 21100 26900 27000 27100 31000 37600 37700 37800 37900 38000 38100 43300 44900 47600 50500 53800 55900 60000 71800 83600 130600 139100 153000 193300 217900
4 16200 17400 18400 19700 21700 27700 27800 27900 31900 38700 38800 38900 39000 39100 39200 44600 46200 49000 52000 55400 57600 61800 74000 86100 134500 143300 157600 199100 224400
5 16700 17900 19000 20300 22400 28500 28600 28700 32900 39900 40000 40100 40200 40300 40400 45900 47600 50500 53600 57100 59300 63700 76200 88700 138500 147600 162300 205100
6 17200 18400 19600 20900 23100 29400 29500 29600 33900 41100 41200 41300 41400 41500 41600 47300 49000 52000 55200 58800 61100 65600 78500 91400 142700 152000 167200 211300
7 17700 19000 20200 21500 23800 30300 30400 30500 34900 42300 42400 42500 42600 42700 42800 48700 50500 53600 56900 60600 62900 67600 80900 94100 147000 156600 172200 217600
8 18200 19600 20800 22100 24500 31200 31300 31400 35900 43600 43700 43800 43900 44000 44100 50200 52000 55200 58600 62400 64800 69600 83300 96900 151400 161300 177400 224100
9 18700 20200 21400 22800 25200 32100 32200 32300 37000 44900 45000 45100 45200 45300 45400 51700 53600 56900 60400 64300 66700 71700 85800 99800 155900 166100 182700
10 19300 20800 22000 23500 26000 33100 33200 33300 38100 46200 46400 46500 46600 46700 46800 53300 55200 58600 62200 66200 68700 73900 88400 102800 160600 171100 188200
11 19900 21400 22700 24200 26800 34100 34200 34300 39200 47600 47800 47900 48000 48100 48200 54900 56900 60400 64100 68200 70800 76100 91100 105900 165400 176200 193800
12 20500 22000 23400 24900 27600 35100 35200 35300 40400 49000 49200 49300 49400 49500 49600 56500 58600 62200 66000 70200 72900 78400 93800 109100 170400 181500 199600
13 21100 22700 24100 25600 28400 36200 36300 36400 41600 50500 50700 50800 50900 51000 51100 58200 60400 64100 68000 72300 75100 80800 96600 112400 175500 186900 205600
14 21700 23400 24800 26400 29300 37300 37400 37500 42800 52000 52200 52300 52400 52500 52600 59900 62200 66000 70000 74500 77400 83200 99500 115800 180800 192500 211800
15 22400 24100 25500 27200 30200 38400 38500 38600 44100 53600 53800 53900 54000 54100 54200 61700 64100 68000 72100 76700 79700 85700 102500 119300 186200 198300 218200
16 23100 24800 26300 28000 31100 39600 39700 39800 45400 55200 55400 55500 55600 55700 55800 63600 66000 70000 74300 79000 82100 88300 105600 122900 191800 204200
17 23800 25500 27100 28800 32000 40800 40900 41000 46800 56900 57100 57200 57300 57400 57500 65500 68000 72100 76500 81400 84600 90900 108800 126600 197600 210300
18 24500 26300 27900 29700 33000 42000 42100 42200 48200 58600 58800 58900 59000 59100 59200 67500 70000 74300 78800 83800 87100 93600 112100 130400 203500 216600
19 25200 27100 28700 30600 34000 43300 43400 43500 49600 60400 60600 60700 60800 60900 61000 69500 72100 76500 81200 86300 89700 96400 115500 134300 209600
20 26000 27900 29600 31500 35000 44600 44700 44800 51100 62200 62400 62500 62600 62700 62800 71600 74300 78800 83600 88900 92400 99300 119000 138300 215900
21 26800 28700 30500 32400 36100 45900 46000 46100 52600 64100 64300 64400 64500 64600 64700 73700 76500 81200 86100 91600 95200 102300 122600 142400
22 27600 29600 31400 33400 37200 47300 47400 47500 54200 66000 66200 66300 66400 66500 66600 75900 78800 83600 88700 94300 98100 105400 126300 146700
23 28400 30500 32300 34400 38300 48700 48800 48900 55800 68000 68200 68300 68400 68500 68600 78200 81200 86100 91400 97100 101000 108600 130100 151100
24 29300 31400 33300 35400 39400 50200 50300 50400 57500 70000 70200 70300 70500 70600 70700 80500 83600 88700 94100 100000 104000 111900 134000 155600
25 30200 32300 34300 36500 40600 51700 51800 51900 59200 72100 72300 72400 72600 72700 72800 82900 86100 91400 96900 103000 107100 115300 138000 160300
26 31100 33300 35300 37600 41800 53300 53400 53500 61000 74300 74500 74600 74800 74900 75000 85400 88700 94100 99800 106100 110300 118800 142100 165100
27 32000 34300 36400 38700 43100 54900 55000 55100 62800 76500 76700 76800 77000 77100 77300 88000 91400 96900 102800 109300 113600 122400 146400 170100
28 33000 35300 37500 39900 44400 56500 56700 56800 64700 78800 79000 79100 79300 79400 79600 90600 94100 99800 105900 112600 117000 126100 150800 175200
29 34000 36400 38600 41100 45700 58200 58400 58500 66600 81200 81400 81500 81700 81800 82000 93300 96900 102800 109100 116000 120500 129900 155300 180500
30 35000 37500 39800 42300 47100 59900 60200 60300 68600 83600 83800 83900 84200 84300 84500 96100 99800 105900 112400 119500 124100 133800 160000 185900
31 36100 38600 41000 43600 48500 61700 62000 62100 70700 86100 86300 86400 86700 86800 87000 99000 102800 109100 115800 123100 127800 137800 164800 191500
32 37200 39800 42200 44900 50000 63600 63900 64000 72800 88700 88900 89000 89300 89400 89600 102000 105900 112400 119300 126800 131600 141900 169700 197200
33 38300 41000 43500 46200 51500 65500 65800 65900 75000 91400 91600 91700 92000 92100 92300 105100 109100 115800 122900 130600 135500 146200 174800 203100
34 39400 42200 44800 47600 53000 67500 67800 67900 77300 94100 94300 94500 94800 94900 95100 108300 112400 119300 126600 134500 139600 150600 180000 209200
35 40600 43500 46100 49000 54600 69500 69800 69900 79600 96900 97100 97300 97600 97700 98000 111500 115800 122900 130400 138500 143800 155100 185400
36 41800 44800 47500 50500 56200 71600 71900 72000 82000 99800 100000 100200 100500 100600 100900 114800 119300 126600 134300 142700 148100 159800 191000
37 43100 46100 48900 52000 57900 73700 74100 74200 84500 102800 103000 103200 103500 103600 103900 118200 122900 130400 138300 147000 152500 164600 196700
38 44400 47500 50400 53600 59600 75900 76300 76400 87000 105900 106100 106300 106600 106700 107000 121700 126600 134300 142400 151400 157100 169500 202600
39 45700 48900 51900 55200 61400 78200 78600 78700 89600 109100 109300 109500 109800 109900 110200 125400 130400 138300 146700 155900 161800 174600 208700
40 47100 50400 53500 56900 63200 80500 81000 81100 92300 112400 112600 112800 113100 113200 113500 129200 134300 142400 151100 160600 166700 179800

Fixation of pay in the revised pay structure.-

(1) The pay of a Government servant who elects, or is deemed to have elected under rule 6 to be governed by the revised pay structure on and from the 1st day of January, 2016, shall, unless in any case the Government by special order otherwise directs, be fixed separately in respect of his substantive pay in the permanent post on which he holds a lien or would have held a lien if such lien had not been suspended, and in respect of his pay in the officiating post held by him, in the following manner:-

(i) the pay in the applicable Level in the Pay Matrix shall be the pay obtained by multiplying the existing basic pay by a factor of 2.57, rounded off to the nearest rupee and the figure so arrived at will be located in that Level in the Pay Matrix and if such an identical figure corresponds to any Cell in the applicable Level of the Pay Matrix, the same shall be the pay, and if no such Cell is available in the applicable Level, the pay shall be fixed at the immediate next higher Cell in that applicable Level of the Pay Matrix.

Pay Matrix Table

Jammu & Kashmir Pay Martix Table Pay level  SL1 to 17
level  – SL1 level  – 6F
level  – SL2 level  – 6G
level  – SL3 level -7
level  – 1 level -8
level  – 2 level -8A
level  – 3A level -9
level  – 3B level -10A
level  – 4 level -11
level  – 5 level -12
level  – 6 level -13
level  – 6A level -13A
level  – 6B level -14
level  – 6C level -15
level  – 6D level -16
level  – 6E level -17

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