Railway Bonus 2017-18 – PLB not less than 78 days wages
Railway Employees waiting for Productivity linked bonus 2016-17 equivalent to not less than 78 days wages. In a practice first cabinet need to approve the payment of bonus to eligible Railway Employees usually before Dussehra / Puja holidays, subsequent to the approval Railway Board will release the order
Railway employees started looking for PLB Order from the Railway board, as of now cabinet did not clear the bonus 2017, so we have to wait for the approval.
Also read – Productivity Linked Bonus for the financial year 2016-17 to Railwaymen – AIRF
In this situation, Railway unions (NFIR & AIRF) writes letter to the Railway Board to take immediate action to sanction the PL bonus.
AIRF highlighted that the formula for calculation of PLB that was formulated as a result of above-mentioned agreement is sacrosanct, on the basis of which payment of PLB is being made to entitled railway employees every year till last financial year”
AIRF requests that, payment of PLB for financial year 2016-17 should be made on the basis of established formula as mentioned above and there should not be any effort to make any amendment in the same as also number of days, calculated last year for payment of PLB, should not be reduced, else this will lead to unwarranted impairment in industrial peace
Also read – Railway bonus 2017 – Before Dussehra Pooja Holidays.
NFIR also requested to Railway Board to kindly take action for sanctioning the P.L. Bonus equivalent to not less than 78 days wages. It is also requested that payment may be arranged before commencement of Dussehra Pooja Holidays
Soon we can expect the Railway Bonus 2017 announcement from the Government before Dussehra / Puja holidays
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