Revision of Pay-Scale of DEO in DAD – Implantation of Supreme Court Judgement
Office of the Controller General of Defence Accounts,
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt-110010
Tel: (011)-25674819, 25665586
No. EDP/113/II(PC)/Vol-18
Dated 01.09.2016
Subject: Revision of pay-scale of Data Entry Operator in Defence Accounts Department.-implantation of Supreme court judgement.
Reference: This Hqrs letter no. EDP/113/II(PC)/Vol-13 dated 04.01.2005
1. The Hon’ble Supreme Court vide its Judgement Dated 09.12.2014 against Civil Appeals No. 10862 to 10867 of 2014 has given the final verdict that “Data Entry Operators Grade-A are not entitled for scale of pay of Rs 1350-2200 w.e.f. 01.01.1986 or thereafter merely on the basis of their qualifications or for the fact that they have completed their period of requisite service.
2. They further hold that any decision rendered by any Tribunal or any High Court contrary to their decision is wrong.
3. Accordingly, the matter was taken up with the Ministry of Defence (Finance), Government of India and MOD(F) vide their ID No. 1418/C/16 dated 13.06.2016 has directed CGDA for the implementation of Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgment dated 09.12.2014. (copy attached).
4. It is therefore, enjoined upon all Principal Controllers/Controllers:
• to implement the said Supreme Court verdict and re-fix the pay of all DEOs who have earlier been granted the pay parity based on interim order of Mumbai High Court against an undertaking from the DEOs concerned as per this wing letter no. EDP/113/II(PC)/Vol-13 dated 04.01.2005.
• to initiate recovery action of the overpayments made till date. However, to avoid the financial hardship to the affected DEOs, overpayment, thus calculated, may be recovered as per extant orders of Govt. of India.
• A monthly report regarding details of overpayment, recovery effected, progressive balance, is to be conveyed to HQrs till liquidation of the demand.
Jt.CGDA (IT&S) has seen.
(Kavita Garg)
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