whether 7th Commission proposes to submit any interim report-Question will be raised in Rajya sabha on 25/11/2014

List of Questions for WRITTEN ANSWERS
to be asked at a sitting of the Rajya Sabha to be held on
Tuesday, November 25, 2014/Agrahayana 4, 1936 (Saka)


whether 7th Commission proposes to submit any interim report

7th Pay Commission

230. SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: Will the Minister of FINANCE be pleased to state:

(a) the details of meetings, the 7th Pay Commission has taken so far and the items/ issues discussed till date;

(b) the States, visited, by the Commission if any till date and the States which the Commission proposes to visit;

(c) whether the Commission proposes to take the views of the State Governments as regards their pay-scales since invariably, most of the States adopt the Central Pay Commission reports;

(d) whether Commission proposes to submit any interim report;

(e) whether the Commission proposes to make any recommendations to bring in financial transparency; and

(f) if so, the details thereof? The written answers of above said questions will be available on or after 25th November 2014

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