Web Based Cadre Management System – Updation/ correction of data in respect of CCS Officers reg.
No. 21/11/2014-CS.I (U)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi
Dated the 19th September 2014
Subject: Web Based Cadre Management System – Updation/ correction of data in respect of CCS Officers reg.
As Ministries/Departments are aware the Web Based Cadre Management has been operational since January 2013 for CCS Officers. However, data in respect of officers is not up to date in respect of a number of officers. In view of this, this Department is not in a position to optimally utilize the system for various cadre management activities and for generation of various reports.
2. For proper utilization of the system it is imperative that data in respect of officers is up to date and complete in all respects.
3. The nodal officers of Ministers/Departments are, therefore, once again requested to review the data in respect of all CSS Officers under their control with a view to update the same. It has been observed that in lot of cases, basic information of officers including category (SC/ST/OBC/Gen), date of entry in service, gender, physically handicap, address, contact numbers, educational qualification, pay etc. are missing. Complete data will facilitate various reports saving considerable time in collection of data. If there is any discrepancy in experience and promotion data, the same may be brought to the notice of this Department for correction.
4. Verification of incumbency: Nodal Officers are also requested to generate “Designation Wise Report” in the employee module and verify with the actual incumbency position. Discrepancy if any in the matter may be brought to the notice of this Department for rectification.
5. All CSS Officers are also requested to view their data in the system and have it corrected / updated. Active cooperation of all CSS officers is solicited in this regard.
(V. Srnivasaragavan)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
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