Minutes of the meeting with Cadre Controlling Authorities held under the Chairmanship of Secretary (P) on 22nd July, 2014

Minutes of the meeting with Cadre Controlling Authorities held under the Chairmanship of Secretary (P) on 22nd July, 2014

No. I-11019/17/2013-CRD
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
New Delhi-110003


01 AUG 2014

Subject: Minutes of the meeting with Cadre Controlling Authorities held under the Chairmanship of Secretary (P) on 22nd July, 2014 in Room No. 119 at 03:30 P.M.

Minutes of the meeting of Cadre Controlling Authorities chaired by Secretary (P) on 22nd July, 2014 at 03:30 P.M. in Room No. 119, North Block, regarding Cadre review of Central Group ‘A’ Services, are enclosed.

2. The Cadre controlling authorities are requested to take action on the issues deliberated upon in the aforesaid meeting and also forward the proposal/data/information to the concerned Divisions of DoPT within the time frame as decided in the meeting and detailed in Para 8 of the Minutes.

(Mona Singh)

Minutes of the meeting of Cadre Controlling Authorities held under the Chairmanship of Secretary (P) on 22nd July, 2014 in Room No. 119 at 03:30 P.M.

A meeting of Cadre Controlling Authorities was Chaired by Secretary (P) on 22nd July, 2014 at 3 p.m., in Room No.119, North Block to discuss various issues related to Cadre Review of Central Group ‘A’ Services.

2. The list of Participants is annexed.

3. Welcoming the participants, Director (CRD) made a short presentation on Cadre review and related issues. It was informed that despite a D.O. letter to all the Cadre controlling authorities by Cabinet Secretary in 2010 followed by reminder from Secretary (P), majority of services are still due for review. It was highlighted that the high level of vacancies and lack of recruitment planning are two major areas of concerns. It was added that often adhoc measures adopted in the cadres distort the cadre structure and, therefore, should be avoided. It was further added that cadre review should be based on functional justifications and not on stagnation. An attempt should be made to anticipate the role of organization in changing times and to correlate it with the requirements of the cadre. The presentation was concluded with a request to send cadre review proposals, status of implementation of cadre review, statistical information and status of uploading of template of the service in time.

4. Secretary (P) highlighted the importance of Cadre Review and mentioned that it is a matter of grave concern that 15 services are due for review for more than 25 years. He desired that Cadre Controlling Authority need to introspect the reasons for such a long delay and should expedite the cadre review proposals. He also highlighted that the statistical profile should be provided timely. Also, once the approval of Cadre Review Committee is received, there is delay in taking the proposal to the Cabinet which should be avoided.

5. The participants were invited for their views on policy issues relating to Cadre review and others and were also assured that individual issues of the specific cadre will be discussed at appropriate level separately, as and when required.

6. The views of various Cadre Controlling Authorities were as follows:-

(i) Representative of Ministry of Home Affairs mentioned that most of the proposals due for review for a long time pertain to their Ministry and informed that a meeting was taken by Home Secretary with Director Generals of CAPFs; most of them have submitted their cadre review proposals but the same were not found satisfactory in terms of DoPT guidelines. He further informed that the Ministry of Home Affairs felt that it would be extremely useful if the DoPT could organize a short training programme to sensitize the personnel working in the CAPFs to the importance of the Cadre Review exercise and also to understand the modalities and the procedure to be followed in this regard. It was further informed that the Training Division of DoPT has agreed to the request and has asked ISTM to organize the event. It was informed that if required, MHA is ready to organize the same. They also requested that the DoPT may develop a model Cadre Review proposal to guide the Cadre Controlling Authorities.

The idea was welcomed by other participants and the Chairman directed that the Cadre Review Division may prepare a model Cadre Review proposal and initiate the process of organizing a Workshop. He invited the Cadre Controlling Authorities to provide the name of the representatives to participate in the event, so that necessary arrangements can be made.

(ii) Representative of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare informed that a Committee constituted for cadre review which has submitted its report and the same is under consideration. He assured that the cadre review proposal would be finalized shortly.

(iii) Representative of M/o External Affairs informed that last Cadre review of the Indian Foreign Service was done in 2004; however as they are implementing Expansion Plan with the approval of Cabinet since 2008 which will be completed by 2018, there is, at present, no requirement of Cadre Review.

(iv) Representative of D/o Expenditure informed that the cadre review of Cost Account Services was done recently in 2014 and the proposal of Cadre Review of Civil Account Service is also under consideration. A query was raised about the time frame for moving a proposal for increase in cadre strength and to remove certain anomalies in the cadre structure of Cost Accounts Service. Joint Secretary (E), DoPT informed that he ideal periodicity of cadre review is 5 years and in view of Economy Instructions the cadre strength cannot be increased.

(v) Representative of Defence Production informed that the cadre review of Indian Ordnance Factory Service is near finalization as only Cabinet approval is pending. It was further informed that the cadre review of Naval Material Management Services is also under consideration. A query was raised by DAQA Service as to whether augmentation and Cadre Review should be taken up separately.

In reply, the Chairman directed that DoPT and Ministry of Finance should take a combined view so that the proposal of augmentation can be linked with the cadre review proposal.

The representative of Defence Production dealing with the Indian Naval Armament Service informed that the last cadre review was done in 1987 and hence it is along due. He informed that the cadre review proposal was completed and sent to the Ministry for approval for forwarding to DoPT six times, but the same was not approved by the Ministry. He further added that recently in 2012 the proposal was again finalized and sent to Ministry for approval, which was in turn again circulated to the Naval command but was returned in 2014, thus, there is inordinate delay.

(vi) Representative of Deptt. of Legal Affairs informed that no Cadre Review of ILS has taken place for more than two decades due to various court cases. It was also informed that there are a large number of vacancies in various grades.

(vii) Representative of M/o Mines informed that the cadre restructuring of Geological Services of India was done in 2011. Queries were raised regarding the concept of ‘regular service’ and also about the fact that many officers suffer due to delay in DPCs.

Joint Secretary (E) informed that it has been reiterated again and again that DPCs should be held in time. It was added that if there are any issues regarding recruitment rules, it can be taken up separately.

(viii) Representative of Deptt. of Posts informed that the last cadre review of Indian Postal Service was done in 2007. It was further added that the Board meeting was held in this regard and the minutes of the meeting is awaited and the Cadre Review proposal would be processed upon receipt of the minutes of the Board meeting.
(ix) Representative of M/o Power informed that he cadre review of Central Power Engineering Services has been completed in 2014.

(x) Representative of M/o Railways informed that after the last meeting of Cadre Controlling Authorities held in December, 2013, six proposals for Cadre review of various Railway services have been referred to DoPT and the proposal for cadre review of other 2 services would also be sent to DoPT soon. It was also informed that he proposal of Cadre Review of RPF has since been considered by the CRC and based on the decision of CRC a Note for the Cabinet is being processed. Regarding the Indian Railway Health Services, it was informed that since DACP scheme was in operation, therefore no cadre review proposal was initiated. However, in view of the observations of M/o Health, M/o Railways would reconsider its views and would process the cadre review of Health Services on similar lines.

(xi) Representative of M/o Road, Transport & Highways informed that the cadre review proposal of CES (Roads) was processed and since DoPT has raised certain observations on the proposal, a reply to these observations is in process of finalization. The need of creation of large reserves for National Highways Authority of Indian (NHAI) was emphasized.
(xii) Representative of Science & Technology informed that he cadre review proposal of Survey of India Group ‘A’ Services was received from the organization but the same was linked with the Group B posts also, hence it was returned. He further added that there were issues of Civilian and Army posts also and the cadre review proposal would be processed shortly after addressing all the issues.

(xiii) Representative of Deptt. of Telecommunication informed that the Cadre Review of Indian Radio Regulatory Services has been completed in 2013. Regarding the cadre Review of Indian Telecommunication Services, it was informed that he proposal was approved by the Secretary (Telecommunication) and submitted to the Minister for approval. However the Minister has desired to discuss some of the issues. Representative of Indian P&T Accounts & Finance services requested to expedite their proposal without linking the same to cadre review of any other P&T Services.

Joint Secretary (E) informed that a meeting was held with the representatives of ITS Association and the DoT in view of directions of Cabinet Sectt. and the record Note of the discussions has been sent to DoT for their comments.

(xiv) Representative of Deptt. of Economic Affairs informed that the cadre review proposal of Indian Economic Service was held in 2011, however since the service is facing many issues, therefore, the proposal for next cadre review is being processed.

(xv) Representative of M/o Corporate Affairs informed that the last cadre review of Indian Company Law Service was in 2008 and the proposal for next cadre review is in process of finalization and the same will be submitted shortly.

(xvi) Representative of CGDA informed that the cadre review proposal of Indian Defence Account Service was held in 2002 and the proposal for next cadre review is in process of finalization and the same will be submitted shortly.

(xv) Representative of Ministry of Commerce informed that the cadre review proposal of Indian Trade Service was recommended by CRC and the DoPT has sought view of new Minister of Commerce on the proposal, which would be provided shortly.

(xvi) Representative of M/o Defence informed that the last cadre review of Indian Defence Estate services was done in 2009 and a comprehensive restructuring is required keeping in view the increased workload etc. It was informed that the same is being examined.

(xvii) Representative of M/o I&B informed that the Indian Broadcasting (Engineering) Service and Indian Broadcasting (Programme) Services is being operated in autonomous bodies after the formation of Prasar Bharati and hence, future recruitment to Indian Broadcasting (Prog) Service and Indian Broadcasting (Engineering) Service would be done by Prasar Bharati. It was informed that the services are facing issue of stagnation and there is large number of vacancies.

7. Following issues were also discussed.

(i) Template for the Services:
The Chairman informed that a request was made in the previous meeting held on 30th December 2013 to prepare a short note about the service so that the career prospects of an officer should be known to the potential aspirants and the same may be made available within two weeks. It was informed that AIS division had circulated a template with a request that a suitable template for the services which are participating in Civil Services Examination may be developed and provided to DoPT so that the same can be uploaded on the website. However, some of the services have not submitted the template. The Chairman desired that the same may be provided to AIS division, DoPT within two weeks.

(ii) Recommendation of 2nd ARC in the 10th Report
Joint Secretary (E) informed that the DoPT is processing the recommendation of the 2nd Administrative Reforms Committee in its 10th Report titled “Refurbishing of Personnel Administration- Scaling New Heights” which, inter-alia, recommends that promotion of officers through Departmental Promotion Committee, upto the level of Selection Grade, may be delegated to the concerned departments and the UPSC should supervise the functioning of these DPCs through periodic reviews, audit etc. It was further informed that he GoM has accepted the recommendation and hence, all the cadre controlling authorities in respect of group ‘A’ Central services were requested to provide their comments with reasons in respect of decision but the same has yet not been provided. The Chairman requested the Cadre Controlling authorities to provide their comments with reasons within 2 weeks to Establishment Division, DoPT.

(iii) Declaration of Assets by the Public Servants
Joint Secretary (E) informed that in terms of the Lokpal and Lokayukta Act, 2013, all public servants have to declare their assets. It was further added that the DoPT had issued Notification dated 14th July, 2014 in this regard and the Cadre Controlling authorities may check the website of DoPT and ensure the same.
The Chairman informed that the time line for declaration of such assets fixed as 15th September and the same should be complied with.

(iv) Tenure Policy
Joint Secretary (E) informed that to discuss the implementation of Supreme Court’s Judgement dated 31.10.2013 in WP (Civil) No. 82/2011 in the matter of Shri T. S. R. Subramanian & Other Vs. UOI & Ors. Cadre Controlling Authorities (CCA) were requested to form bodies like CSB in each Cadre to consider the posting and transfer of officers and to prescribe a minimum tenure for different posts. The Cadre Controlling Authorities were also requested to place the policies in respect of Gr. ‘A. ‘B’ and ‘C’ officers in public domain and send a copy of the same for records of DoPT. The Cadre Controlling Authorities were requested to expedite the report to Establishment Division, DoPT.

(v) Policy on Lateral Induction
Joint Secretary (E) informed that 2nd ARC in its 10th Report vide para 17.5 has recommended that with a view to widening the pool of candidates for selection to senior positions, candidates outside the government system should be allowed to compete for certain posts at senior levels. It was also informed that it has been emphasized in the report tat upto 10% of the posts at the level of Joint Secretary in the Govt. of India will be open to lateral entry from State Government services/private sector/academics etc. It was added that a short note on the lateral induction policy would be circulated to the cadre controlling authorities for their comments.

8. Summing up the discussion the Chairman outlined the following action points:

(i) The Cadre Controlling Authorities dealing with the services where the cadre review proposal is due for a long time especially 20 to 30 years should send the proposal at the earliest.
(ii) Cadre Controlling Authorities should provide the Statistical profile timely.
(iii) The template for the service should be provided within two weeks.
(iv) A model Cadre Review proposal should be prepared by Cadre Review Division.
(v) A Workshop would be organized on the issue of Model Cadre Review Proposal by Cadre Review Division, DoPT very shortly. The Cadre Controlling Authorities were requested to provide names of the participants within two weeks.
(vi) Comments on the recommendation of the 2nd ARC in the 10th Report should be provided by the cadre controlling authorities within two weeks.
(vii) Compliance of Notification on declaration of Assets by the Public Servants should be ensured.
(viii) Comments on Tenure Policy and policy on lateral induction should be expedited.

9. The meeting ended with a Vote of Thanks to the Chair.


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