Retention of/Continuation in General Pool Residential Accommodation(GPRA) to an allottee on Technical Resignation from Central Government Service
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates
Nirman Bhavan
New Delhi-110 108.
Dated the 9th July, 2014
Subject: Retention of/Continuation in General Pool Residential Accommodation(GPRA) to an allottee on Technical Resignation from Central Government Service.
There have been requests from various quarters regarding guidelines in case of retention of/continuation in General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) by an allottee on technical resignation from Central Government Service. The issue has been considered in this Ministry and it has been decided by the competent authority that an allottee, working in an eligible office of GPRA, when technically resigns, from Central Government Service on his appointment to ineligible Central Government or State Government office in the same station or outside station, technical resignation may be treated at par with transfer. Cancellation and retention of GPRA may be regulated as per existing rules governing transfer. Further, if the new office of the allottee, who technically resigns, is an eligible office for GPRA in the same station, his/her existing allotment shall be regularized after he/she applies for it by filling up DE-II form of this Directorate.
Deputy Director of Estates(Policy)
2306 2816
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