Guidelines for issue of medicines to CGHS beneficiaries from CGHS Wellness Centres – reg.
S 11011/2/2014-CGHS (P)
Government of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
CGHS (Policy) Division
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated; the 28th March, 2014
Subject: Guidelines for issue of medicines to CGHS beneficiaries from CGHS Wellness Centres – reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s O.M No.S.11011/8/99-CGHS (P) dated 13.10.1999 vide which CMO in-charge of CGHS dispensaries have been permitted to issue medicines for a maximum period of 3 (three) months at a time against a valid prescription of Government specialist to CGHS beneficiaries suffering from chronic illness like diabetes, tuberculosis, heart ailment, hypertension, I.H.D,epilepsy, etc.
2. This Ministry has been receiving representations from beneficiaries regarding the requirement of fresh consultation with Government specialist every three months for re-issue of the prescribed medicines. Requests have been received from beneficiaries to relax this condition as getting an appointment with Government specialists is difficult, especially for the old aged and physically challenged beneficiaries suffering from chronic diseases and requiring constant medication.
3. Acknowledging the difficulties being faced by the beneficiaries in obtaining prescription of Government specialist every three months, it has been decided to clarify that the CMO In-charge of CGHS Wellness Centres are competent to revalidate the prescription on the request of patient, after professionally satisfying himself / herself about the medical condition of the patient and repeat the medicines prescribed by Government specialist to beneficiaries for another three months subject to the following conditions :-
a) Medicines shall be issued against a valid original prescription from a Government specialist for advising the same.
b) CMO I/c may issue the medicines prescribed by a Government specialist fix three months at a tine during the entire treatment period indicated clearly (e.g., six months / one year) on the prescription.
c) CMO I/c may examine and advise the patient on whether to continue with the same medicines as prescribed by the Government specialist or may refer him to the Government specialist for fresh consultation, If required medically.
d) CGHS GDMOs of the Wellness Centre may prescribe routine diagnostic tests to the patients before their follow up consultation with the specialist. They should however, use discretion and not to advice specialized tests/investigations as they can only be advised by the specialists, wherever required.
e) Beneficiaries will be issued medicines for maximum three months period at a time. In such cases, where the advice of specialist is only for three months and the CMO I/c is satisfied after professional examination that the same medicines are required to be continued for treatment, the prescription may be re validated and medicines can be issued for another 3 (three) months, i.e., to a total of 6 (six) months. After six months, the beneficiaries will have to consult the Government specialist and obtain fresh prescription or get the prescription re validated from the Government specialist in cases where the treatment period is not clearly indicated on the prescription.
4. This issues with the approval of Additional Secretary and Director General, CGHS.
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
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