Enhancement of amount of Ex-gratia payable to Reservists and families of Reservists – reg.
No. 1(06)/2010-D(Pen / Policy)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
New Delhi dated 22 November, 2013.
The Chief of the Army Staff,
The Chief of the Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff
Subject : Enhancement of amount of Ex-gratia payable to Reservists and families of Reservists – reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter No. 13/39042/AG/PS-4(a&c)/1331/C/ D(Pension/Services) dated 29.122000 sanctioning monthly payment of an amount of Rs. 600/- per month as ex-gratia to the Reservists who were discharged prior to 1.4.1968 and who having rendered minimum qualifying service required for grant of pension, had opted / accepted for lump sum amount of gratuity at the time of release from service and have not availed benefits of rehabilitation assistance granted by the Government and were not in receipt of any other pension. This amount was payable with effect from 1.11.1997. Similarly, the monthly payment of ex-gratia sanctioned to the widows and dependent children of the deceased Reservists, who had opted to receive one time lump sum gratuity in lieu of pension, in terms of this Ministry’s letter No. 10 (7.)./-92./D (Pension/Services) dated. 30.3.1992, was also revised/consolidated from 1.11.1997 to Rs. 605/- per month in terms of this Ministry letter No. 13/40029/AGIPS-4(d)/1/B/13 (Pension/Services) dated 7.1.1999.
2. Reference is also invited to this Ministry’s letter No. 685/B/04-D[Ren/Sers] dated 294:2004. In terms of said letter dated 29.4.2004, dearness relief equal to SO% of the above amounts of ex-gratia had been converted-into dearness ex-gratia with effect from 1.4.2004. The dearness relief, as announced from time to time, is also applicable on the amount of ex-gratia as well as dearness ex-gratia.
3. Based on certain representations received in this Ministry from the Reservists and families of Reservists to enhance the amount of monthly ex-gratia payment, matter was under consideration with the Government for suite some time. The President is now pleased to enhance the existing amount of ex-gratia of Rs. 600/- per month being paid to the surviving Reservists and the amount of ex-gratia of Rs. 605/- per month being paid to dependent members of the families, i.e, widows and dependents children of deceased beneficiaries at the following rates with effect from 4th June, 2013:
S. No. | Kind of recipients | Enhanced amount of basic monthly exgratia |
1 | Reservists | Rs. 750 |
2 | Widows and dependent children of the deceased Reservists | Rs. 645/- |
4. Dearness ex-gratia equal to 50% of the enhanced amount of ex-gratia and Dearness Relief, as notified from- time to time, on the sums of enhanced amounts of ex-gratia and dearness ex-gratia shall also be admissible to them.
5. The other terms and conditions for grant of ex-gratia and dearness relief prescribed in this Ministry’s letter No. 10(7)/92/D(Pension/Services) dated 30.3.1992 (for families of deceased Reservists) and No. B/39042/AG/PS-4(a&c)/1331/C/D/(Pen/Sers) dated 29.12.2000 (for Reservists) as modified from time to time, shall continue to be followed.
6. Action to revise ex-gratia in terms of these provisions shall be initiated by the concerned ex-gratia payment disbursing agencies. In cases of recipient of ex-gratia to whom benefit accrues under the provisions of this letter has died/dies before receiving the payment of arrears, the life time arrears of ex-gratia will be paid as per extant Government orders in this regard. An intimation regarding disbursement of enhanced ex-gratia shall be sent by the ex-gratia disbursing agencies to the Pr. CDA (Pensions) Allahabad in the proforma enclosed. A copy of said intimation may invariably be provided by the disbursing agency to the recipient concerned for their information.
7. These orders issue with the concurrence of MoD (Finance/Pensions) vide their UO No. 10(07)/2013/Fin/Pen, dated 08.11.2013.
Hindi version of this order will follow.
Yours faithfully,
(Malathi Narayanan)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
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