No. 13017/8/2011-AIS-I
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
New Delhi, North Block,
Date 25th March, 2013
The Chief Secretary
All states /UTS
Sub: Inter Cadre Transfer of All India Service Officers to third cadre on the ground of marriage Clarification in Policy – regarding.
I am directed to refer to this Department’s Circular No. 13017/347/2011-AIS-I dated 22.8.2012 on the subject cited above and to say that the subject matter has been further considered by the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) and the following clarification on ‘deficit cadres’ in respect of policy on inter-cadre transfers on grounds of marriage has been approved:
“A deficit cadre is one where there is a maximum percentage of shortfall of direct recruit officers vis-à-vis the direct recruit cadre strength. Shortfall maybe computed on the basis of Civil List of AIS prevailing at the time of the application for Inter-Cadre Transfer. In case of continued refusal by the cadres on which they are borne the officers would be considered for transfer to a third cadre and for this purpose Central Government will first identify three cadres, which have maximum deficit of direct recruit officers as a percentage of all the DR officers sanctioned post and then give a choice to the couple seeking transfer to a third cadre to choose one of those cadres. Thereafter, the concurrence of the concerned cadre would be taken before the couple is transferred to third cadre.”
2. The ACC has further directed that-
(i) All pending cases of inter-cadre transfer of officers to third cadre, on the grounds of marriage may be processed accordingly; and
(ii) In pending cases where both the cadres on which the two officers are borne have refused to accept the officers, a fresh attempt may be made to obtain the consent of the two cadres.
Yours faithfully,
(S.S. Shukla)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tel: 23092695
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