Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110 001, Dated March, 2013
All Chief Postmaster General/ Postmaster General of Postal Circles.
Subject:- Declining promotion to Postmaster Grade-I by the officials declared successful in Postmaster Grade-I Departmental Competitive Examination held on 12.6.2011 and subsequently-Reg.
I am directed to refer to Directorate’s letter No. 4-24-2011-SPB.II dated 9.8.2011, 07.09.2011 and 26.9.2011 on the above subject, wherein it was clarified that declination of appointment by the candidate to the post of Postmaster Grade-I after passing the Departmental Examination may be accepted before issue of order of appointment to him/ her. These instructions have been reviewed in the light of references received from the Postal Circles. It has been decided with the approval of Competent Authority to modify the above instructions in the following manner:
a) An official declared successful in Postmaster Grade-I Departmental Competitive Examination held in the year 2011 and subsequently may be allowed to decline his/her promotion to Postmaster Grade-I before joining the promotional post. After joining the promotional post, no request for declining promotion can be entertained.
b) Once orders for promotion and posting to Postmaster Grade-I have been issued, an official may be allowed one month’s time to join the promotional post failing which he/ she would be deemed to have declined his/ her promotion to the Postmaster Grade-I. In the cases of leave of absence exceeding 30 days in very unusual circumstance, the official will have to furnish an undertaking to the effect that he will join his promotional post in Postmaster Grade-I on the expiry of his authorized leave; else he would be deemed to have declined his promotion to the Postmaster Grade-I.
c) In the cases of declination/ deemed declination of promotion as covered in (a) & (b) above, the official concerned shall be debarred from promotion to Postmaster Grade-I for one year and he would be required to qualify the Examination afresh for promotion to the Postmaster Grade-I.
2. Postal Circles are requested to regulate the cases of declination of promotion received from the officials who qualified the Postmaster Grade-I Departmental Competitive Examination 2011 and subsequently in accordance with the above instructions.
3. This also disposes of Uttar Pradesh Circle’s letter No. STA/PM Grade-I/Exam/Posting/Ch.II/2011/6 dated 03.10.2012.
Yours faithfully,
(Alka Tewari)
Assistant Director General (SPN)
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