No. 2/3/2011/CDN-II
Government of India
Directorate of Estates
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi,
Dated the 29/10/2012
The Medical Superintendant, Dr. RML Hospital,
New Delhi.
The Medical Superintendant, Safdarjang Hospital,
New Delhi.
The Medical Superintendant,
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Ansari Nagar,
New Delhi.
Subject:- Issue of Medical/disability certificate for allotment of Govt. accommodation – Regarding.
Please refer to this Directorate’s letter No. 2/2/2011 dated 10.9.2012 on the subject cited above forwarded therewith proforma of the medical/disability certificate. In this context, I am directed to say that the line below column 2(iv) of the medical/disability certificate may be treated as removed. Other text of the medical/disability certificate will remain the same (copy enclosed).
Yours faithfully,
(Saroj Jaisia)
Deputy Director of Estates
copy to Director NIC with the request to upload the format of medical/disability certificate in the website of this Directorate.
(Saroj Jaisia)
Deputy Director of Estates
Government of India
(Please Strike out whichever is not applicable)
No. Date
1) General Observations:
This is to certify that Ms/Mrs/Mr_________________ aged_____ years,
Male/Female, son /daughter/wife/husband/father/mother/brother/sister/
mother or father-in-law of Ms/Mrs/Mr_______________________ is a
diagnosed case of ________________________________________
and is undergoing treatment in the department of__________________
of this Hospital since________________
2) Specific recommendations:
(i) Detailed description of illness/disability alongwith investigations, if any:
(ii) Is the disability permanent or likely to improve with time.
(iii) Class/stage of disease/percentage/grade of functional disability inspite
of optimum treatment and intervention.
(iv) Is the ailment/disability serious enough to be considered for allotment or change of Govt. Accommodtion at any / Ground Floor on overrding priority:
Alongwith Attested Photograph}
Note:- Physical disability certificate issued by single doctor in pursuance of Guidelines No. S-13020/1/2010-MS/MH-II of Directorate General of Health Services (Medical Hospital Section-II), Nirman Bhawan, dated 18.6.2010 is also acceptable.
Signatures of Members of Board alongwith rubber-stamp/date:
(Member) (Member) (Member)
(Seal with Name) (Seal with Name) (Seal with Name)
(Medical Superintendent)
(Seal with Name)
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