Finance (IT-SF) Department
Sub:- SPARK-Using of SPARK application for entitlement authorization of Non gazetted employees of Kerala Government -Instructions- Issued
Ref:- 1.G0.(Ms) No.392/2005/GAD dated, 05.11.2005
2.G.0.(Rt) No.152/2007/11D dated, 25.7.2007
3.G.0.(Rt) No.163/2008/ITD dated, 5.8.2008
4.G 0.(Rt) No.167/2009/ITD dated, 6.8.2009
5.G.0.(Rt) No.171/2011/ITD dated, 23.9.2011
Government have introduced SPARK (Service and Payroll Administrative Repository for Kerala),an Integrated Personnel, Payroll and Accounts Information system, which is a web based application implemented for all the employees of the Kerala Government with objectives to cater to the Administration, Payroll and other accounts activities of Government establishments. As per the Government orders referred as first and second papers above, salary bills of all Government employees are to be mandatorily generated through SPARK. Pursuant to this, majority of the State Government Employees have since been enrolled under SPARK. However the usage of the SPARK system with respect to personnel administration, personnel entitlements, service record maintenance etc€ are yet to take off. The personnel details now fed into the system in most cases is incomplete or without proper validation by Competent Authorities. There is a need for verification„ updation and validation of data relating to each employee in the SPARK system. In the circumstances, Government urge upon all Head of Departments/Controlling Officers to initiate urgent action to verify, update and validate all information of service , entitlements etc. of each employee in the SPARK system on a priority basis.
2 To enable the SPARK application capture all the service particulars of the employees from their very induction to Kerala Government service till date, and to keep on updating the data of employees in SPARK, the following instructions are issued for strict compliance.
At present both the establishment and accounts functions in respect of Non gazetted employees are being done by the DDOs in almost all departments. In case of larger establishments, the updation of the establishment matters (such as increment sanction,Promotion, transfer, disciplinary action, probation declaration, regularization etc.) of Non gazetted employees shall hereafter be done by the Authority designated to make updation in the service book of the employees and the updation of the pay and allowances parts shall be done by the respective DD0s, using the user id and password assigned to such officers.
(ii) In the case of smaller establishments where the DDO itself is the authority competent to authorize the entitlements of the Non-gazetted employees., the existing system will continue.
The modules in the SPARK application for establishment matters available under the sub menus viz. administration and service matters should be used for real time updation of the service matters of the employees. In short, all the entitlements of the Non gazetted employees should be authorized through SPARK appkation only, in future.
(iv) The Department Management Users (DMUs) of each department will help the Designated Officers in their respective departments in the updation of details of entitlements of the employees in the respective departments/ offices.
3. SPARK application will be tuned in such a way that the privileges given to the “Establishment Admin Users” will be limited to accessing the establishment related functions of the employees and the privileges given to the DDO level users limited to accessing the functions relating to pay and allowance, salary bill generation,.
Pay and Allowances Revised-Government Of Kerala
Onam Advance to Government Employees for 2012
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