Employment of Consultants in Directorate of Estates — regarding

No. A- 11019/1/2011 –Admn.B
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates

Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi
Dated 28 August, 2012


Subject : Employment of Consultants in Directorate of Estates — regarding.

The undersigned is directed to say that keeping in view of the acute paucity at the level of Ads/DDs. Director of Estates has desired contemplating the engagement or retirees of this Directorate as Consultant. Hence. all Deputy Directors in this Directorate are requested to .end the following information immediately to Admit B Section of this Directorate so that proposal in this regard may be send to the M/o Urban Development for consideration

  1. Functional justification showing the work to be done by the Consultant.
  2. Quantum of work, i.e. specific jobs to be performed by the Consultant. 
  3. Time-frame for completion of the specific job/jobs.

    Directorate of Estates

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