Science express-biodiversity special train
Today is World Environment Day. This is a day to be cautioned about threats to environment. It is also a day to celebrate biological diversity.
The Ministry of Environment & Forest in collaboration with Department of Science & Technology has started a train the Science Express – Biodiversity Special which is an interesting and educative exhibition on wheels.
The Minister of Environment & Forests, Smt. Jayanthi Natarajan along with Delhi Chief Minister Smt. Sheila Dikshit flagged off the train from New Delhi today. The Science Express will culminate in Gandhinagar on 22 December this year.
Speaking on the occasion Smt. Natarajan said that this earth is not inherited to us from our ancestors but it is loaned to us by our children. She said that the Science Express train is an endeavour to generate awareness about environment protection and sustainable development. She said that nature protects us if she is protected by us.
Chief Minister of Delhi Smt Sheila Dikshit complemented the Ministry of Environment & Forest for bringing out such a wonderful train which is scheduled to cover more than 100 stations across the country. She also narrated the efforts by Delhi Government for environmental protection.
During the program Indira Gandhi Parayavaran Puruskar were given to two institutions and two individuals. The 2009 awards have gone in favour of Prof. C.R. Babu, Professor of Delhi University and Shri Vijay Jardhari, Environmental activist from Uttarakhand. The institutes which got the award are Neyveli Lignite Corporation, Tamil Nadu and Care Earth, Chennai.
The Safdarjung Railway Station in the national capital was upbeat during the program when a skit on environment awareness was performed by school children.
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