(Railway Board)
New Delhi, dated 20-06-2011
The General Secretary
4,State Entry Road,
New Delhi – 110055
Sub:- Placement of Pharmacists in the Entry Grade of Rs.4200(NFG) on completion of 2 years service in GP Rs.2800.
The undersigned is directed to refer to AIRF’S later No.AIRF/4O5(VICP) (138), dated 21-05-2011 on the above subject and to state that vide Railway Board’s letter dated 19-11-2010 it was clarified that the service rendered by the Pharmacists the scale of Rs.4500-7000 (Vth CPC scale) should be reckoned as service in GP Rs.2800 for placement in the Non-functional Grade of PB-2/GP Rs.42O0. However, on repeated references from Zonal Railways a reference was made to DoP&T seeking clarification as to whether the placement of Pharmacists in Non-functional Grade of PB-2/Rs.4200 woul0d be reckoned for the purpose of MACPS or otherwise and in response thereof DOP&T have clarified that every financial upgradation has to be treated as one upgradation. This position has been clarified vide Board’s letter dated 20-4-2011. Since DoP&T is the nodal Deptt. for MACP Scheme, this Ministry is not in position to deviate from instructions issued by them.
Further, based on recommendations of Fast Track Committee the Pharmacists have been allowed to be placed in Grade Pay of Rs.4200 on completion of two years of regular service in Entry Grade (i.e.Grade Pay of Rs.28O0). Thus the entry Grade for Pharmacists category has not been altered. As such Board’s letter dated 20-4-2011, in no way contradicts or nullifies Board’s instructions dated 19-11-2010.
Yours faithfully,
for Secretary / Railway Board
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