RBE No.80/2011
No. E (W)/2010/PS-5-17/1 New Delhi, the 03-06-2011
The General Managers
All Zonal Railways & PUs,etc.
Sub:- Issue of Privilege Pass/PTO and Post Retirement Complimentary Pass in the next year’s account.
Clause (xiv) of Rule 3 under General Rules Relating To Privilege Passes/PTOs contained in Schedule -II (Pass on Privilege Account) of Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986, as subsequently amended by ACS No. 31 issued vide Board’s letter No. E(W)2000/PS 5-1/35 dated 12-1-2001, provides that when an employee has availed all passes due to him/her in a calender year, one set of pass and/or one set of PTO may be issued to him/her for journeys commencing in the next year only and the Pass/PTO may be debited to the next year’s Pass Account, and such advance issue of Pass/PTO should not exceed 60 days of the current year from the date of issue. Similarly, item No.(i) under Column 4 (Other facilities) of Schedule-IV (Post Retirement Complimentary Pass) of the said Rules, as subsequently amended by ACS No.34, issued vidè Board’s letter No. E(W)2000/PS 5-1/35 dated 19-04-2001, provides that a retired Railway servant may be issued, on his/her request, one set of Complimentary Pass 60 days in advance of the current calendar year from the date of issue, for journeys commencing in the next year duly debiting such issue of complimentary pass in the next year’s account.
2. It has been represented by the Staff side that reservation in trains being now available 90 days in advance of the date of journey, the period of 60 days for issue of advance Privilege Pass/PTO/Post Retirement Complimentary Pass may be extended so that reservation could be applied for well in advance of the intended date of journey as per extant advance reservation provisions.
3. The matter has been considered and the President is pleased to direct that clause (xiv) of Rule 3 under General Rules Relating To Privilege Passes/PTOs as contained in Schedule —II (Pass on Privilege account) and item no. (i) under Column 4 (Other facilities ) of Schedule IV (Post Retirement Complimentary Pass ) shall be amended as per Advance Correction Slip No.68 enclosed.
4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
(Debasis Mazumdar)
Joint Director Estt.(Welfare)
Railway Board.
1. Clause (xiv) of Rule 3 under General Rules Relating to Privilege Passes/PTOs as contained in Schedule-II (Pass on Privilege Account) of Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (2nd Edition 1993) may be amended as under:-
When an employee has availed all passes due to him/her in a calendar year, one set of Pass and /or one set of PTO may be issued to him/her for journeys commencing in the next year only and the Pass/PTO may be debited to the next year’s pass account. Such Pass/PTO should not be issued more than 100 days in advance of beginning of the next year. The Pass/PTO shall be valid for 4 months from the date of issue.”
2. Item No.(i) under column 4 (Other facilities) of Schedule IV (Post Retirement Complimentary Pass) of Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (2nd Edition 1993) may be amended as under:-
“A retired Railway Servant may be issued, on his/her request, one set of Complimentary Pass not more than 100 days in advance of beginning of the next year, for journeys commencing in the next year duly debiting such issue of complimentary pass in the next year’s pass account. The validity of the pass shall be four months from the date of issue.”
(Authority Railway Board’s letter No. E(W)2010/PS5-17/l dated 3-6-2011)
source AIRF
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