No.DC – 23(2)/E. Coord/2006
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
E.Coord. Branch
North Block, New Delhi
13 December, 2010
Subject: Deputation/visits abroad exceeding five days – approval of Screening Committee of Secretaries reg.
Reference is invited to this Department’s Office Memorandum of even no. dated 23 July 2010 on the above subject.
2. The foreign deputation of officers of the level of Joint Secretary and below exceeding five days have been exempted from Screening Committee of Secretaries (SCOS) procedure vide the OM referred to above. However, scOs procedure has been retained in respect of foreign deputation proposals where the number of members exceeds five, irrespective of the level.
3. Consequent to the issue of the above OM, clarifications have been sought from this Department as to whether the SCOS procedure is applicable to delegations where the size exceeds five in number but where the expenditure on the visit of 5 or less members is borne by the Government of India.
4. In this connection, it is clarified that the SCOS approval will not be required in respect of cases where the delegation consists of officers of the level of Joint Secretary and below and expenditure in the case of only 5 members or below is borne by Government of India although the overall size of the delegation may exceed five.
This issues with the approval of Cabinet secratary
(Madhulika P. Sukul)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India
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