Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of Pay,2009—Revision of scales of pay based on the recommendations of One Man Commission, 2010 – Consequential revision of Pension/ Family Pension in respect of employees retired from Ordinary Grade / Selection Grade / Special Grade posts with reference to para – 2 (vi) of G.O. Ms. No. 235, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 1—6—2009 – Instructions – Issued.

Finance (PC) Department,
Fort St. George,
Chennai – 600 009.

Letter No.63305 / Pay Cell /2010—2, dated: 08 –11—2010.


Sub: Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of Pay,2009—Revision of scales of pay based on the recommendations of One Man Commission, 2010 – Consequential revision of Pension/ Family Pension in respect of employees retired from Ordinary Grade / Selection Grade / Special Grade posts with reference to para – 2 (vi) of G.O. Ms. No. 235, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 1—6—2009 – Instructions – Issued.

Ref : 1. G.O.Ms.No.234, Finance (PC) Department, dated:1—6—2009.
2. G.O.Ms.No.235, Finance (PC) Department, dated:1—6—2009.
3. Government Letter No.51051 / Pay Cell /2009–1, Finance Department, dated: 6–10–2009.
4. G.O.Ms.Nos.254 to 338, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 26—8—2010.
5. Government Letter No. 63305/ Pay Cell /2010–1, Finance Department,dated: 8–11–2010.

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I am to invite your attention to the references cited.

2) In the Government Order first cited, orders have been issued revising the scales of pay of employees / teachers notionally with effect from 1—1—2006 with monetary benefit from 1—1—2007. In the revised pay structure no separate scales of pay have been provided for Selection Grade / Special Grade holders. The employees on award of Selection Grade / Special Grade have been granted the benefit of one increment equal to three percent of basic pay including grade pay in the same Pay Band and Grade Pay. However, in the revised pay structure employees who were awarded Selection Grade/ Special Grade prior to 1—1–2006 in the pre-revised scales of pay were granted due protection by allowing them to move to the corresponding revised scales by virtue of the higher pre-revised scales of pay drawn by them. Further, in case of employees awarded Selection Grade / Special Grade between 1–1–2006 and 31—5—2009 i.e. prior to the issue of G.O.Ms.No.234, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 1—6—2009 they were also permitted to exercise their option to come over to the revised scales of pay on the date of their award of Selection Grade / Special Grade by foregoing the arrears entitled to them with effect from 1—1—2007, so that they were also allowed the same benefit as that of the employees who were awarded Selection Grade / Special Grade prior to 1—1—2006.

3) In the reference third cited, necessary clarification has already been issued to the effect that on the analogy of the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.200, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 18—5—1999, the employees who have retired from service prior to 1—1—2006 from the Selection Grade / Special Grade posts, were permitted to revise their Pension / Family Pension with reference to para-2 (vi) of the Government Order second cited by calculating 50% / 30% of the minimum of the pay in the pay band plus grade pay applicable with effect from 1—1—2006 corresponding to the pre-revised scale of pay of the post last held by the employees at the time of retirement i.e. Ordinary Grade / Selection Grade / Special Grade posts respectively.

4) Based on the recommendations of One Man Commission, 2010 orders were issued in Government Orders fourth cited, revising the scales of pay of various posts in Ordinary Grade scales of pay departmentwise notionally with effect from 1—1—2006/ 12—12–2007 with monetary benefit from 1—8—2010. Consequent on the above revision of scales of pay ordered in the Government Orders fourth cited, doubts have been raised as to whether revision of Pension / Family Pension can be effected with reference to para-2 (vi) of the Government Order second cited based on the revision of scales of pay ordered above.

5) I am directed to clarify that the employees who have retired from service prior to 1—1—2006 from the Selection Grade / Special Grade posts, the Pension / Family Pension shall be re-fixed with reference to para-2 (vi) of the Government Order second cited and calculated at 50% / 30% of the minimum of the pay in the pay band plus grade pay applicable with effect from 1—1—2006 following the revision of scale of pay ordered for the Ordinary Grade posts in the Government Orders fourth cited, if their existing Pension / Family Pension drawn by them is less than 50% / 30% of the minimum of the Pay plus Grade Pay applicable to the post last held by the retired employees. However, if the existing Pension / Family Pension drawn by the pensioners is more than 50% / 30% of the minimum of the revised pay plus grade pay applicable to the post last held by the employees at the time of their retirement, such of the Pensioners / Family pensioners need not apply and no revision of Pension / Family Pension need be effected in their cases.

6) Further, I am also to inform that in some cases the revision of scale of pay has been given effect from 12—12—2007 at a date later than 1—1—2006. In all such cases also, the revision of Pension / Family Pension in eligible cases shall be calculated at 50% / 30% of the minimum of the revised pay plus grade pay applicable to the post last held by the employees at the time of their retirement with effect from 12—12—2007 or from the date of monetary benefit for such pay revision and that such Pension / Family Pension revision shall be given effect from the date of implementation of the revised scale of pay viz. 12—12—2007 or any subsequent dates thereto as the case may be.

7) The Pension Sanctioning Authority shall therefore ensure that the Pension / Family Pension in the above cases shall be not less than 50% / 30% of the minimum of the revised pay in the pay band plus grade pay applicable with effect from 1—1—2006 / 12—12—2007 or any subsequent dates thereto entitled to the post last held by the employees at the time of retirement (viz. Ordinary Grade / Selection Grade / Special Grade holders as the case may be). However, there shall be no change in the existing procedure to apply for the above Pension / Family Pension revision to the Pension Sanctioning Authority concerned as stipulated in the Government Order second cited.

Yours faithfully,

for Principal Secretary to Government.

MORE DETAILS-http://www.tn.gov.in/gosdb/gorders/finance/fin_e_63305_2_2010.pdf

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