Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
Lok Bhawan, Khan Market,
New Delhi, dated 28th october, 2010
subject: Award of Scholarship to the children of non-statutory Departmental canteen employees from the discretionary fund of director of canteen-Invitation of applications from Canteen employees for award of 12th Batch of Scholarships to their children during the year 2010 -2011.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s No. 20/1/2010-Dir.(C), dated 24.5.2010 and subsequent reminders dated 9.6.2010, 2.7.2010, 22.7.2010, 2.8.2010 , 18.8.2010 and 7.9.2010 on the subject mentioned above and to say that fresh applications had been invited by this Department from the employees of non-statutory Departmental Canteens/Tiffin Rooms for consideration of award of 12th batch of scholarship to their children based on their performance during the academic year 2009-2010. It is, stated that informal requests have been received for extension of the last date by 08.11.2010.
2. Accordingly, the last date for acceptance of the applications has been extended up to 08.11.2010. All Ministries/Deptts./Offices are requested to give wide circulation of this O.M under reference and send their applications, duly completed in all respect along with enclosures to this Department for consideration upto prescribed date as mentioned above.
(G.K. Misra)
Section Officer (Canteens)
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