AIR, DD staff to go on two days strike next month

AIR, DD staff to go on two days strike next month

Chennai, Oct 11 (PTI) The National Federation of Akashvani and Doordarshan Employees (NFADE) today announced a 48-hour nation-wide “duty boycott” from November 23 to press for various demands, including repeal of the Prasar Bharati Act passed for smooth functioning of both the public broadcasters.

The 12 years of Prasar Bharati experiment has dented the reputation of All India Radio (AIR) and Doordarshan (DD), NFADE Chairman Anil Kumar told reporters here.

“After 12 years, it is proved that Prasar Bharati is not only financially inviable but has defeated its very basic concept… Today the public service broadcaster is at a cross roads, without having the slightest idea about the direction, it will be heading in times to come,” he claimed.

Hence, the employees of AIR and DD want repeal of the Act to ensure the smooth functioning of the “largest electronic media”, he said.

Source: PTI

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