7th CPC Military brochure – Pay Fixation of Re-Employed Officers
Pay Fixation of Re-Employed Officers.
(a) The initial pay of a re-employed Government servant who elects or is deemed to have elected to be governed by the revised pay structure from 1st day of January 2016 shall be fixed according to the provisions of Rule 7 of the Army Officers Pay Rules 2017, if he/she is a retired Government servant who received pension or any other retirement benefits but which were ignored while fixing pay on re-employment.
(b) The initial pay of a re-employed officer who retired with a pension or any other retirement benefit and whose pay on re-employment was fixed with reference to these benefits or ignoring a part thereof, and who elects or is deemed to have elected to be governed by the revised structure from the 1 st day of January 2016 shall be fixed in accordance with the provisions contained in Rule 7 of the Army Officers Pay Rules 2017. Pension (excluding the ignorable portion of pension, if any), as admissible on relevant date, i.e. date of coming over to the revised pay structure, effective from 1.1.2016 or later, shall be deducted from his/her pay in accordance with the general policy of the Government on fixation and subsequent drawl of pay of re-employed pensioners.
(c) In addition to the pay so fixed, the re-employed officer would continue to draw the retirement benefits he/she was permitted to draw in the pre-revised scales, as modified based on the recommendations of the 7th CPC, in orders in respect of which have been issued separately by the Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare.
(d) Where a re-employed officer elects to draw his/her pay in the existing pay structure and is brought over to revised pay structure from a date later than the 1st day of January, 2016, his/her pay from the later date in the revised scale shall be fixed in accordance with the provisions of Rule 11 of the Army Officers Pay Rules 2017.
(e) Further, the existing ceiling of Rs 80,000/- for drawal of pay plus gross pension on re-employment is enhanced to Rs 2,25,000/-, the maximum basic pay prescribed for officers in Level 17 under Army Officers Pay Rules 2017.
Initial pay fixation in revised scales of a re-employed officer who has retired in pre revised scales and was granted reemployment prior to 01 Jan 2016. Example of a Colonel retired on 31 Jul 2015 and re-employed on 01 Aug 2015.
(a) Col Retd on 31 Jul 2015.
(i) Pay in Pay Band Rs 55000/-
(ii) Grade Pay Rs 8700/-
(iii) MSP Rs 6000/-
Total Rs 69700/-
(iv) Pre-revised Basic Pension Rs 34850/-
(b) Fixation of Pay on Date of Re-Employment as on 01 Aug 2015.
(i) Re-employment Pay Rs 69700/-
(c) Re-fixation of Pay on 01 Jan 2016 in Accordance with Pay Rules/Regulations.
(i) Revised Level Level 13
(ii) Revised Pay (63700 x 2.57) Rs 163709/-
(iii) Rounded off to next higher figure Rs 165400/-
(iv) Revised Military Service Pay Rs 15500/-
Total Rs 180900/-
(d) Revised Pay on Re-employment.
(i) Revised Pay Rs 165400/-
(ii) Revised Military Service Pay Rs 15500/-
Total Rs 180900/-
(e) Revised Pension.
(i) Rs 34850 x 2.57 Rs 89565/-
(f) Revised Emoluments.
(i) Total Pay Rs 180900/-
(ii) Less pension – ignorable limit Rs 66815/- (incl MSP) {89565 – (15000 + 7750)}
(iii) Pay admissible Rs 114085/-
(g) As the pay has been fixed on 01 Jan 2016, the re-employed officer will be entitled for annual increment as per the existing provisions of Army Officers Pay Rules 2017. DA will be admissible as per rates announced from time to time.
Initial pay fixation in revised scales of a re-employed officer who has retired post implementation of 7th CPC and was granted re-employment post 01 Jan 16. Example of a Col retired on 31 Mar 16 and re-employed on 01 Apr 16.
(a) Col Retd on 31 Mar 2016.
(i) Pay in Defence Pay Matrix Rs 165400/-
(ii) MSP Rs 15500/-
Total Pay Rs 180900/-
(iii) Basic Pension Rs 90450/-
(b) Fixation of Pay on Date of Re-Employment as on 01 Apr 2017.
(i) Re-employed Pay Rs 180900/-
(c) Revised Emoluments.
(i) Total Re-employed Pay Rs 180900/-
(ii) Less pension – ignorable limit Rs 67700/- (Including MSP) ((90450 – (15000 + 7750)
(iii) Pay admissible Rs 113200/-
(d) As the pay has been fixed based on the revised pay rules/regulations, the re-employed officer will be entitled for annual increment as per the existing provisions of Army/Navy/Air Force Officers Pay Rules/Regulations, 2017.
DA will be admissible as per rates announced from time to time.
Note : Draft Pay Rules for Re-emp Offrs fwd to MoD which is still under consideration.
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